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Topic: Episode 158 - Tragedy and Betrayal for Kids!  (Read 5681 times)

Shell Game

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Episode 158 - Tragedy and Betrayal for Kids!

Secret Gaygent 69 Frank West Salubrious Rex marxcarl sambair thelizzerd Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: September 03, 2022, 01:45:00 am by Shell Game »

Secret Gaygent 69

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Episode 158 - Tragedy and Despair for Kids!
Shell Game Frank West chai tea latte Great Joe A Meat Salubrious Rex marxcarl Phantom Creep Dr. Buttplug


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Episode 158 - Tragedy and Betrayal for Kids! #2
for a similar wikipedia adventure, check the synopsis for the short story collections of Paul Jennings.
I read these as a kid and they are just as wild as the summaries imply.
Salubrious Rex

Great Joe

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Episode 158 - Tragedy and Betrayal for Kids! #3
Was it gosling or guzzling?

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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Episode 158 - Tragedy and Betrayal for Kids! #4
Was it gosling or guzzling?
Great Joe, September 05, 2022, 09:54:38 am

how would we even get guzzling from gosling?

Salubrious Rex

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Episode 158 - Tragedy and Betrayal for Kids! #5
for a similar wikipedia adventure, check the synopsis for the short story collections of Paul Jennings.
I read these as a kid and they are just as wild as the summaries imply.
Skeeps, September 05, 2022, 07:25:09 am
Wow I never knew exactly how much of my childhood reading was Paul Jennings. I never realised he wrote the Singenpoo books, Singepoo was the shit.


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Episode 158 - Tragedy and Betrayal for Kids! #6
I think the reason so many of them are similar is kids aren't gonna fucking remember that they were similar. Hell it might even be a benefit they all are 1-4/5 themes.

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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Episode 158 - Tragedy and Betrayal for Kids! #7
I'm convinced there's a shadowy cabal that was pimping ballet just like the conspiracy to promote square dancing in the united states. Perhaps ballet shoe manufacturers at tutu salesmen?