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Topic: Question about men's rights stuff for a doc  (Read 15831 times)

chai tea latte

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Question about men's rights stuff for a doc
no no no, wait a second, i swear i remember the warning at the end of the MRA episode.

My question is about a (non-MRA-related!) doc I'm working on. One of the pieces I'm thinking about including is a short forum post which begins with the following sentences:

I decided to post here a few days ago for the first time. Over the last few years I have also become aware of and participatory in another group I agree with. This other group is the men's rights movement, a movement which like [doc subject] is also often wholly misunderstood.

It has one or two scattered references to those damn feminists but it's not a MRA post, just a post by an MRA. Should I cut it just to be safe, or can I keep it in? I feel like the quote above works to make fun of the doc topic enough that it's potentially worth keeping, but if it's just going to get left out because it's MRA stuff I'd rather put something else in instead.

Boots Raingear

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Question about men's rights stuff for a doc #1
Don't cut it. It's not that I want to pretend MRAs no longer exist. I just don't want to ever read from The Spearhead again.

chai tea latte

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Question about men's rights stuff for a doc #2
Don't cut it. It's not that I want to pretend MRAs no longer exist. I just don't want to ever read from The Spearhead again.
Boots RaingWEREWOLF, October 21, 2013, 07:39:53 am

Cool, thanks!


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Question about men's rights stuff for a doc #3
Also, are you guys sure you don't want in on this spermjacking doc? Because I've got about a fourth of a spermjacking doc written and I really think there might be gold here.

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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Question about men's rights stuff for a doc #4
Also, are you guys sure you don't want in on this spermjacking doc? Because I've got about a fourth of a spermjacking doc written and I really think there might be gold here.
¡Runic!, October 21, 2013, 02:27:45 pm

I'd love to take a look, if you don't mind. And you can always throw it in the rejected content forum, too...


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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Question about men's rights stuff for a doc #5
All right, fuck it. I'm putting this shit together and ya'll can do with it what you want. It might take me a few days but I swear I have some good shit guys. The phrase "Holy Yoghurt" is involved.