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Topic: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!  (Read 55017 times)


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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
And I have proof! This highly reliable scientific test says so.


"You scored 41% on Human, higher than 72% of your peers."

Boots Raingear

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
76. How many phantom tails do you have?
Quote from

You scored 97% on Human, higher than 100% of your peers.
Quote from


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
You scored 97% on Human, higher than 100% of your peers.

I don't know that it is possible to get 100% human.

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
Man, this thing is such a 'please validate me' test it hurts. Every new category is prefaced by a picture of what the questions are asking you about, so if you think you're a dragon you know to go 'oh, absolutely!' to those questions.

Or maybe I'm just bitter about only getting 77% human.

Boots Raingear

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
Man, this thing is such a 'please validate me' test it hurts.
kal-elk, February 05, 2013, 01:29:22 pm
That kinda describes all online tests of this ilk.

Since I'm good with computers, I'm 46% robot.
I'm 26% faerie but only 6% elf. You'd figured there would be quite a bit of overlap there.


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
The only reason I got so low on Human is because I answered "Unsure" to all questions about the quality of my soul, since I had no idea what the hell is the difference between "glowing", "dark" or "shadow" souls.

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
True or false. Your eyes could be described as glass like/are often mistaken for glass eyes.

Who does this happen to?


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I'm pretty sure all eyes could be described as glasslike, so that question is true. I guess eyeless people would choose false, even though the question assumes the presence of eyes. Man, this test is hard!


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
51% human.
clearly, the other 49% is vulcan.

some of these questions irriate me irrationally. everyone has an electromagnetic aura, it can even be captured on cameras. it's a natural part of being alive. and all of these auras 'glow' on film. how can you realisticly pick another option with that knowledge?

similarly, 'do u feel like an animal lol' is a loaded question. humans are animals. i am a human. so i feel like an animal all the time. how does this prove a fucking thing about being SPIRITUALLY AN ANIMAL~~~~~~*#*#*#*#*#

chai tea latte

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
The only reason I got so low on Human is because I answered "Unsure" to all questions about the quality of my soul, since I had no idea what the hell is the difference between "glowing", "dark" or "shadow" souls.
montrith, February 05, 2013, 02:25:06 pm

Yeah, same. That and saying I was alright at math seem to have clarified that I'm really machine-kin. It does amuse me that you literally can't be 100% human, though.


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I scored "what the fuck is this shit?" because to be human I had to admit to being extremely dim-witted, bland and incurious, moderately attractive and capable of social interaction.

I got irritated by the second page and just started clicking whatever answer looked like "no" at the time and still only got 87% human.  I have let normal people down.  Sorry, normal people.


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I had no idea that ADHD and immaturity = faerie. I'll keep that in mind.


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
Wow, some of these questions... they're just willing to read into -any- human behavioral quirks, aren't they?

Turns out I'm 87% human, 32% dragon, and 34% machine-kin. Yeah, I'm a robot dragon.

You know what? I'm okay with that.


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I'm 67% Human, 56% Machine-kin and 26% on Dragon and Fairy.

I'm a Robotic Humanoid Dragon Fairy apparently.


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I guess I only have to answer that one question honestly.
87% human. The rest of me must have been shot off at some point I guess.
I think I can summarize this test easily.

~Special Snowflake Test~
1. Are you the most special snowflake ever?
