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Topic: Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses  (Read 32770 times)

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #75

(Clips For Sabbaton)

A Meat

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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #76
none that i know of.

i don't think anyone has introduced metal bands to the concept of hypnoboobs yet.
jack chick, October 06, 2016, 09:22:20 pm
like hair metal, but boobs


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #77
Something I disagree with is that people aren't really 'god moding' with their role play. At least not in the same way as the people in the City of Heroes episode.

Someone levelled the 'god moding' criticism at someone roleplaying a military nation with a massive economy. They're just roleplaying according to what their nation can do within the structure of this game. To be honest, it sounded really similar to what Russia or the USA would do if they did a full military engagement on ISIS.


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #78
At that point though couldn't you say that having the super-rich super-militarized nation with advanced warfare technology is godmoding itself?

And in the end it doesn't matter because it's several levels of not even being real


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #79
Something I disagree with is that people aren't really 'god moding' with their role play. At least not in the same way as the people in the City of Heroes episode.

Someone levelled the 'god moding' criticism at someone roleplaying a military nation with a massive economy. They're just roleplaying according to what their nation can do within the structure of this game. To be honest, it sounded really similar to what Russia or the USA would do if they did a full military engagement on ISIS.
JamEngulfer, October 13, 2016, 02:51:47 pm
It more struck me as a 'well you can't say I'm NOT this powerful', because they're roleplaying beyond the game's confines. That's when it gets a bit muddied, but I absolutely think it's godmoding because it's still making yourself as powerful as possible which will likely interfere with others, even if indirectly.

I would say that someone playing a realistic level of large strength isn't godmoding in this case (although I can't imagine they're very restrained in other places where they might be), especially if you admit potential difficulties. But if your response is to enslave an entire planet, which you are apparently capable of very easily, you are too powerful and are ruining everybody else's fun. People will have to play around you rather than with you, because you will dwarf all others.

It's less of an issue here because none of these people are really playing with each other, you can easily ignore Mr Decepticon (I hope). You're right that it's at its worst when there's no real means to avoid this, so MMOs get it bad. My City of Heroes character might be max level same as somebody else, but when I play mine as in line with that (my guy was like a mix between Iron Man and The Flash powers-wise) and they're playing Literally Satan who is capable of unmaking his foe with a touch, there's no real way to counter that besides the really unreliable method of 'ask them not to'.

...Well, sometimes there is. But back on CoH the people that did that the most were PvPers, which wasn't exactly a good system in CoH anyway. But that's how they wanted to resolve all conflicts, because they built up with it in mind, leading to the same problem: they effectively could never be beaten in a conflict.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 08:55:51 pm by Cleretic »


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #80
At that point though couldn't you say that having the super-rich super-militarized nation with advanced warfare technology is godmoding itself?

And in the end it doesn't matter because it's several levels of not even being real
EYE OF ZA, October 13, 2016, 04:29:57 pm

Well, no.

I don't think you understand what the site actually is. It's a nation management game. You start off with a small nation with a few million citizens. You then make policy decisions over time that guides your country. The people with super rich, super militarised nations are people that have grown super rich, super militarised nations within the confines of the game.

It's like saying that someone in an MMO with the best weapons and best armour that roleplays as someone with the best weapons and best armour is godmoding.

It seems to me that it's perfectly within their right to roleplay like that.


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #81
I think we can all agree, though, that anyone who claims to have a simple solution to the problem of ISIS is an idiot.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Corn Syrup A Meat MyFaceBeHi Liatai chai tea latte Sherman Tank nuffkins, of all people, Eider Duck Down10 Knitting Machine JamEngulfer


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #82
I think we can all agree, though, that anyone who claims to have a simple solution to the problem of ISIS is an idiot.
Ürkütücü Sultan Selim, October 14, 2016, 02:03:00 pm

Or a war criminal.
Yavuz A Meat Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte Corn Syrup Sherman Tank nuffkins, of all people, Bodark Liatai Nifty Nif

Fatty Bo Batty

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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #83
At that point though couldn't you say that having the super-rich super-militarized nation with advanced warfare technology is godmoding itself?

And in the end it doesn't matter because it's several levels of not even being real
EYE OF ZA, October 13, 2016, 04:29:57 pm

Well, no.

I don't think you understand what the site actually is. It's a nation management game. You start off with a small nation with a few million citizens. You then make policy decisions over time that guides your country. The people with super rich, super militarised nations are people that have grown super rich, super militarised nations within the confines of the game.

It's like saying that someone in an MMO with the best weapons and best armour that roleplays as someone with the best weapons and best armour is godmoding.

It seems to me that it's perfectly within their right to roleplay like that.
JamEngulfer, October 14, 2016, 01:43:15 pm

So inter-dimensional neutron bombs are in the game?
Sherman Tank

Vinny Possum

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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #84

It seems to me that it's perfectly within their right to roleplay like that.
JamEngulfer, October 14, 2016, 01:43:15 pm

I mean yeah, it's also totally within someone's right to dress up as an animal, fuck a plush toy, be lupinegender with the pronouns fe, fim, and fer, then complain about the friendzone when they can't get laid and pretend they wrote a sprawling epic about interplanetary pens and brag to their buff grampa about their cheevos. It doesn't make it not completely silly.
Goose Goose Honk At Me Now Yavuz Corn Syrup Sherman Tank Liatai chai tea latte

Sherman Tank

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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #85
Just because they're within their rights to roleplay like that doesn't mean we can't point and laugh at them for it.
Vinny Possum nuffkins, of all people, Liatai


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #86
I think we can all agree, though, that anyone who claims to have a simple solution to the problem of ISIS is an idiot.
Ürkütücü Sultan Selim, October 14, 2016, 02:03:00 pm

Or a war criminal.
duz, October 14, 2016, 03:09:20 pm

¿Por qué no los dos?
Bodark Liatai Vinny Possum Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Captain Nobeard


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #87

It seems to me that it's perfectly within their right to roleplay like that.
JamEngulfer, October 14, 2016, 01:43:15 pm

I mean yeah, it's also totally within someone's right to dress up as an animal, fuck a plush toy, be lupinegender with the pronouns fe, fim, and fer, then complain about the friendzone when they can't get laid and pretend they wrote a sprawling epic about interplanetary pens and brag to their buff grampa about their cheevos. It doesn't make it not completely silly.
Vinny Possum, October 14, 2016, 06:16:58 pm

Oh come on, that's not what I meant and you know it. I mean they have played the game to the point where they are allowed to roleplay like that. If someone on those forums described their nation doing the USA's response to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axe_murder_incident, you would totally accuse them of godmoding.


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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #88
I think you're godmoding right now what are you gonna do about it punk
Vinny Possum Lemon Goose Goose Honk At Me Now Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Knitting Machine Yavuz

Vinny Possum

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Episode 228: United Nations of Dinguses #89

It seems to me that it's perfectly within their right to roleplay like that.
JamEngulfer, October 14, 2016, 01:43:15 pm

I mean yeah, it's also totally within someone's right to dress up as an animal, fuck a plush toy, be lupinegender with the pronouns fe, fim, and fer, then complain about the friendzone when they can't get laid and pretend they wrote a sprawling epic about interplanetary pens and brag to their buff grampa about their cheevos. It doesn't make it not completely silly.
Vinny Possum, October 14, 2016, 06:16:58 pm

Oh come on, that's not what I meant and you know it. I mean they have played the game to the point where they are allowed to roleplay like that. If someone on those forums described their nation doing the USA's response to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axe_murder_incident, you would totally accuse them of godmoding.
JamEngulfer, October 15, 2016, 05:35:40 pm

I'm very sorry a bunch of nerds mocked the thing you like. That was very insensitive of the f-plus and they owe nationstates an apology and mabye repentance blowjobs.
chai tea latte Sherman Tank