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Topic: 258: Do Not Pass Go  (Read 21346 times)


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258: Do Not Pass Go #15
just look at that guy in this episode who gave the game five stars not because it was good or because he had any experience with it, but because someone gave it one star.
Psammetichus, July 30, 2017, 06:33:24 pm

Spoiler alert: that guy was the creator of the game.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Please And Thanks


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258: Do Not Pass Go #16
Well, I guess that makes it slightly less worse. At least he had motivation other than "GODDAMN SJWs AAARRRGHH!!!"


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258: Do Not Pass Go #17
Well, I guess that makes it slightly less worse. At least he had motivation other than "GODDAMN SJWs AAARRRGHH!!!"
Psammetichus, July 30, 2017, 07:16:58 pm

Actually, that pretty much is his motivation. He's gotten kicked off of gaming sites for defending rape, and his latest product is a licensed Gor RPG.
Lemon Yavuz


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258: Do Not Pass Go #18
This is a single word, but STOG's awe when his 76 year old mother's false teeth fall out  is... ⭐INCREDIBLE⭐
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258: Do Not Pass Go #19
That furry game is really just adult Mystery Date.



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258: Do Not Pass Go #20
Hello, intrepid card game affectionados! Is the Dating Deck not getting you enough pussy? Boy howdy, do I have the upgrade for you!

Vanduul Against Humanity
Unofficial, Star Citizen themed expansion for Cards Against Humanity

Into the Star Citizen community? Need a game to play at fan events? Want to show off your humorous knowledge of Star Citizen memes? THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU!!

Vanduul Against Humanity is a fan-made collaboration project to create an unofficial Cards Against Humanity expansion. Sourced from the Bar Citizens, the RSI forums, Reddit and elsewhere, this is a passion project sourced from a million Citizens.

Considering I'm the person who made the F+ themed CAH deck, I shouldn't be the one to mock, but really. At least the F+ has released something enjoyable in the past 5 years.


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258: Do Not Pass Go #21
I just want to spell this out for everyone: this game has been released before the game it's spinning off of has.

Sherman Tank

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258: Do Not Pass Go #22
Someone should make a Star Citizen doc. There's so much insane theorycrafting about a game that does not and will never exist.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage


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258: Do Not Pass Go #23
Someone should make a Star Citizen doc. There's so much insane theorycrafting about a game that does not and will never exist.
PimpmastaShermanTankGuy, December 03, 2017, 04:44:42 pm

Star Citizen fans are the saddest but most funny topic possible. They're both frantically theorycrafting/roleplaying for a game that will never form but also dumping tons of money to get pictures of ships they'll never get to fly.

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258: Do Not Pass Go #24
Is there anyway to go to read up on the Star Citizen Madness?

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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258: Do Not Pass Go #25
Something Awful has a sort of encyclopedia of events, but I haven't seen anything documenting all the drama outside of it. A kickstarter that massive and fucked up, it's gotta exist.


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258: Do Not Pass Go #26
Having drifted in and out of the fake internet spaceship scene since 2013 or so, I'm probably going to end up being the preeminent expert on it here?

On one side: legions of tragically hopeful spacegame nerds who are convinced that if they throw enough money at Chris Roberts, they'll be able to eventually play some insane combination of EVE/Arma 3/FreeSpace 2/Mount Your Friends . . . in spaaaaaace.

On the other side: literal actual Derek Smart.

Both sides end up sorta being more annoying than anything else.  If anything, the real drama boils down to the turgidly boring minutiae of project management and running a company.  If you want to catch up on it, this is actually a pretty good article (apparently Kotaku UK is an entirely different publication?).  Yeah there are plenty of overenthusiastic crazy people theorycrafting about "well at the 52:05 mark of this youtube video posted 4 years ago, So-And-So Developer says this, and THAT means that the Poopoo ship will be able to fit inside the Peepee ship!!!!!!!!!"  Aside from Derek Smart occasionally showing up and being an astoundingly incompetent egomaniac, the only real drama is stuff like "omg, I paid $500 for this ship two years ago, and now you release a ship for $400 that's better than it????????????  How dare you I never could have foreseen this eventuality that spending $500 on a fake internet spaceship in a game that doesn't exist yet could possibly be a bad decision!!!!!"  Anyway, I don't know that it would make much of an episode . . . rarely do I find 'generic forum drama' to be entertaining in and of itself (if the forum isn't about fucking bees or whatever), but there are definitely plenty of entitled idiots to be found.

(Full disclosure: I have definitely spent too much money on fake internet spaceships, but I at least knew it was a bad idea going in.  Y'all can join me on my spaceship when the full game releases in 2030.)
Lemon Corn Syrup Apricaughts

Sherman Tank

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258: Do Not Pass Go #27
There's some amazing things that got posted in the Star Citizen forums:



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258: Do Not Pass Go #28
Here's my encapsulation of Star Citizen: Imagine if people had never stopped giving a shit about Duke Nukem Forever.

I am sure the game will come out at some point. I am also sure it will be a buggy, unfinished mess, a withering shadow of what was actually promised.

Guts Going Nutz

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258: Do Not Pass Go #29
I've been doing nothing but reading about Star Citizen drama all weekend. It's so good.
xX_sp00ks_Xx chai tea latte
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 12:40:08 am by Guts Going Nutz »