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Topic: Why the Fuck Is There a Show Called "Down South Dickering?"  (Read 2530 times)


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  • get smoked
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  • 153
I'm watching the History Channel with my dad and they have a show called "Down South Dickering."  What is dickering and why does it creep me out?


  • Romance Supremacist
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  • 993
  • 159
1: Bartering.
2: I have no fuckin' clue.  Did you get raped by a wheelin-dealin' hobo when you were young?


  • Paid
  • get smoked
  • 1,724
  • 153
1: Bartering.
2: I have no fuckin' clue.  Did you get raped by a wheelin-dealin' hobo when you were young?
Acierocolotl, April 30, 2014, 10:57:42 pm

trigger warning dude
McMillan and Waifu