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Topic: Revisiting  (Read 40267 times)


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Which F-Plus subject would you guys most like to see more material mined out of? 

I would love to see more of any of the following:

Hello Poetry/Poetry Deep Underground
Facebook Portal (or whatever that one from "The Antisocial Network" was called)

And ABOVE all, please please please please please someday do more Youtube comments.

How about the rest of you? Anything you want to see more of?


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Revisiting #1
I want to read more bad fanfiction and bad scripts. Especially bad scripts. Like the Transformers and Resident Evil and CSI scripts.

Go. Go and find them, all of you.


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Revisiting #2
I always love the bad fiction, though sadly almost whenever I find it's something so niche that only people involved in the fandom it's from can parse the exact depths of terrible, or someone else has already gone through it and mocked it so it feels kind of like bad form to submit it for a second mocking.


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Revisiting #3
I suspect that Above Top Secret and Godlike Productions have an effectively endless supply of wonderous things.  I would also be up for some more Conservapedia.  And there's always wikiHow.


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Revisiting #4
Everyone who wants more bad fiction, you're in luck! I was just talking to Lemon about a wonderful thing I've discovered. I've also got loads and loads of more bad poetry, but I've been holding out on submitting any more, since I like to explore different subjects and not get stuck on submitting only one type of content. I'm more than happy though to hear what people like, so I can maybe prioritize what doc I'm working on. I realize this may make me seem super nerdy, but I actually really like making docs for Fplus. If something gets read, great, but I'm also just happy to share all the horrible things I've found with other people. My friends no longer click my links, so the Fplus people are perfect victims substitutes.

Slightly off tangent, but does anyone else have a preferred method when submitting material? I usually start by making an initial doc which can run about 20-40 pages, which I then edit to somewhere around 15-20 pages, leaving only the best bits.


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Revisiting #5
What I'd actually love to know, more than how you put together a doc, Montrith, is how you *search*.

I did a submission for the RfR last year, and for me the hardest part was actively seeking out content that I thought would be good.  If it isn't something other parts of the internet hasn't already made fun of, I don't know how you get a bite of the good stuff.

On the other hand, I'll understand if you wanna keep your secret to yourself.


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Revisiting #6
What I've done on occasion for this and other sites was pick, at random, three words which theoretically oughtn't belong together.  If all else fails, you can use bibliomancy to pick these words (ie: crack a dictionary open at random, close your eyes and donk your finger down on a page).

That's how I'd found Demonbusters, as one example.


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Revisiting #7
That was a good episode.

I once searched for "Favorite Christian Raper" but had far less success than I would have hoped.


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Revisiting #8
There are a few ways actually. I have a selection of sites which are full of crazy and sometimes I can find new topics by looking at the links people post on those sites. If I'm using Google, there are at least two good ways to find material.

1) Start generic and narrow it down. What this basically means that if you want to research, say, Harry Potter, you would start with something really simple, like "Harry Potter forum". It usually only takes a quick look to notice what's the lingo of the fandom/community, which you can then take advantage to narrow down your search. For example, if we take the ship Harry/Hermione, aka Harmony, we could make a search like "Harry Potter+Harmony+stupid" or "Harmony+shipping+bitch". This would then give you a much better (?) sample of the type of fans you're looking for. This method can also be combined with method 2, which is

2) Understand that people are not creative. There is a tendency for people to repeat themselves, quote one another and use cliches in regular conversation. Thus, you only have to think of what type of person you are interested in and then try to figure out how that person would speak about a certain topic. For example, you are researching conspiracy theorists. Now, there are many types of people who belong to this category, so you're going to want to narrow it down. Say you're looking for nutters with an elevated sense of self-importance. You could make searches like "UFO+government+sheeple" or "aliens+'trying to silence me'". If, on the other hand, you want to find douchebags, you could go for something like "paranormal+"my two cents" or "TRAPS+'I'm a ghost hunter'"

Sometimes finding something is easy. For example, finding JustRage only took a single googling for rant+fucking parents. On the other hand, to find some real niche stuff you're going to have to dig through the generic shit first.

Well, these are some of the techniques I use when I'm not relying on my massive bookmarks folder. There are others, but I think I've bored you long enough.


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Revisiting #9
Wow! That was insanely helpful!  Thank you Montrith, I'm gonna give it a shot tonight.

Boots Raingear

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Revisiting #10
If I'm using Google, there are at least two good ways to find material.
montrith, February 10, 2013, 02:46:51 pm


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Revisiting #11
I've already submitted a document for it but I'd really like to see TVTropes get revisited, mainly because you guys never touched on the site's forums which, to me, is where all the worst material is.


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Revisiting #12
I second the TVTropes revist, as well as revisiting Debate.org

I've always wondered how Montrith collects all of those documents and manages to format them so well, I'm more of a generic google searcher
that puts in whatever shit I'm looking for and don't look much further then the first page. Hopefully I can utilise the "montrith method" and get some substance out of the stuff that gets submitted for episodes.


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Revisiting #13
Montrith and Kumquatxop have strange gifts regarding finding bizarre shit. I can only hope they've been able to word a description of these niche talents such that it can be put on a résumé.


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Revisiting #14
I will always hope for more Tumblr stuff. It seems to attract a certain breed of "pompousness to cover my crippling insecurities" jerk that I'll never get sick of.