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Topic: See Me Performing Live!  (Read 6295 times)

Adam Bozarth

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See Me Performing Live!
Hey, folks! I wanted to shamelessly plug my live show to you wonderful weirdos in the NYC area.

Left Handed Radio is putting on its first live sketch show! As you know, comedy is a pricey pursuit, so we lined up some advertisements and sponsors for our show "30 Minute Commercial Break"

The show is Thursday, October 23rd, 6:30. Tickets are $5.00

Make reservations here!

Please come out and laugh really hard. This show is an audition for a longer run of shows at UCB. I'd love to have the F Plus contingent in the crowd.


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See Me Performing Live! #1
The notice is waaay too short for me to make it, Brozarth. But, seeing as how I'm in the DC area, I could feasibly make a weekend out of a future show by taking the train up there. I've been wanting to visit NYC again for some time now anyway. Last time I was up there was the summer of 1999.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 04:31:13 pm by Isfahan »

Emperor Jack Chick

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See Me Performing Live! #2
have an awesome show dude! Break everyone's legs!

Adam Bozarth

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See Me Performing Live! #3
Well, if we do get a run of shows based on this auditin, there will be more to come. But I'd obviously love to have you up in NYC whenever you get the chance, Isfahan.

For anyone thinking of coming, please hang around and introduce yourself and say hi. F Plus listeners are always interesting and cool folk!