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Topic: 194: r/ecuseyourself  (Read 49304 times)

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194: r/ecuseyourself #60
ladies, ladies, you both put your bras on one leg at a time

Nikaer Drekin

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194: r/ecuseyourself #61
I can't deny it. And we both draw dragons in ms paint one click at a time.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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194: r/ecuseyourself #62
r/dragondrawings will keep this forum together


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194: r/ecuseyourself #63
We're nearly 200 episodes in. If you don't understand how the podcast works at this point, maybe it's not for you.


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194: r/ecuseyourself #64
It's easy to get the wrong read of the readers' opinions of websites because all you're hearing is an hour of the best jokes they made about a website every couple weeks.  Sometimes it can come off more antagonistic than they really are just because it's such a small little snippet.  But Boots uses Reddit, as he said at the end of this episode.  Portaxx has been part of a Kickstarter. (I think?)  They can make fun of the bad aspects of a site and still use it.


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194: r/ecuseyourself #65
Boy, I'm sure glad I'm not emotionally invested in any of the podcast's subject matter.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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194: r/ecuseyourself #66
It's easy to get the wrong read of the readers' opinions of websites because all you're hearing is an hour of the best jokes they made about a website every couple weeks.  Sometimes it can come off more antagonistic than they really are just because it's such a small little snippet.  But Boots uses Reddit, as he said at the end of this episode.  Portaxx has been part of a Kickstarter. (I think?)  They can make fun of the bad aspects of a site and still use it.
EYE OF ZA, November 27, 2015, 12:57:53 pm

Pretty much. I know folks have given me hell by saying I hate Kickstarter and especially Patreon, but that would literally make no sense since both of those sites provide services that I've been advocating for years. I like the idea of a site where people can directly support a project beforehand, and I like the idea of artists being able to make a living (or even partial living) off of doing what they love. These are both good things. If someone wants to make a short film series and folks want to see it, why not let the people fund it themselves? Likewise if someone just wants to make a ton of Youtube videos and people like the content, why not give them a chance to support it?

In fact I'm almost positive I say something to that effect in the Patreon episode, and people still think I hate artists making money off their art.

I think part of this and the whole "now wait a minute, not everyone in this given subculture/forum/site is like that!" comes from how we will usually say something like "of course this kind of awful shit is on this website" at one point or another in an episode. I get where people are coming from, because at face value it really does sound like we just blanketly hate every website ever.

Rather, the "ugh [WEBSITE]" gagging refers more to how specific sites each have very distinct flavors of terrible to them. Reddit has the MRAs, DeviantArt has the ugly MS Paint fanart, Kickstarter has the idiots who want funding before they want to even plan their project, and so on. None of these sites are universally awful, but Patreon Horrible is notably different from AllRecipes Horrible. So when we say "yep, that's this site all right! BARF" then that's what we're talking about.

Really the only 100% perfect website out there is Spells of Magic, is what I'm trying to say.
The Comna


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194: r/ecuseyourself #67
My only problem with the F Plus is Guest.
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Lemon Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Dawnswalker Down10 Frank West

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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194: r/ecuseyourself #68
My only problem with the F Plus is Guest.
Spacebat, November 27, 2015, 09:32:51 pm
Guest? Never heard of em.

Sherman Tank

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194: r/ecuseyourself #69
My only problem with the F Plus is Guest.
Spacebat, November 27, 2015, 09:32:51 pm
Guest? Never heard of em.
AgentCoop, November 27, 2015, 09:37:55 pm

Yeah, I hate Guest too.

Adam Bozarth

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194: r/ecuseyourself #70
Reddit is the Internet's id
« Last Edit: November 27, 2015, 11:14:16 pm by Adam Bozarth »


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194: r/ecuseyourself #71

oh wait


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194: r/ecuseyourself #72
My only problem with the F Plus is Guest.
Spacebat, November 27, 2015, 09:32:51 pm

What a horrible thing to say about yourself!


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194: r/ecuseyourself #73
Reddit is the Internet's id
Adam Bozarth, November 27, 2015, 11:04:55 pm

I thought that was 4Chan?

Adam Bozarth

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194: r/ecuseyourself #74
Reddit is the Internet's id
Adam Bozarth, November 27, 2015, 11:04:55 pm

I thought that was 4Chan?
TheCrawlingChaos, November 28, 2015, 01:00:40 am
4Chan is the amygdala, the fear and anger center of the brain, severely riddled with anime tumors.
Nikaer Drekin TheCrawlingChaos Adept Promethorn Liatai