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Topic: So, Ballpit, what did we learn today?  (Read 82232 times)


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #210
One of the foremost shapers of rabbinic Judaism in the third century CE was so beautiful that he sat in front of the ritual bathhouse so when women walked by they would see him and when they went home to their husbands, they would think about him, and then their kids would be hot. Also he had a Situationship with a former-gladiator turned-bandit that he encountered while naked in the Jordan, and subsequently married off to his sister.
chai tea latte
« Last Edit: May 30, 2024, 04:13:51 am by Sherlockian »

Great Joe

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #211
There's a certification process for USB cables just for Android Auto.
thelizzerd Lumbermouth Salubrious Rex chai tea latte


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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #212
The original theme for Iron Chef is an orchestral piece from the Backdraft soundtrack called Show Me Your Fire Truck
Dr. Buttplug vaMpiresoftWare Salubrious Rex A Meat

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #213
Theodoric and Theodore are unrelated names with different origins and histories, Theodoric being Germanic theudo (people) combined with riks (meaning ruler/king, from the same proto-indo-european root as latin 'rex' or Hindi 'raja') while Theodore is Greek and comes from theos (god) and doron (gift)
Salubrious Rex thelizzerd Antivehicular xX_sp00ks_Xx Schumin Capote


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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  • was once an extremely motivated person.
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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #214
Mara Wilson is Ben Shapiro's cousin.
Salubrious Rex

A Meat

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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #215
The West Nile Virus is named after the Ugandan region of West Nile, which is the region of Uganda west of the White Nile


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  • Apparently eggs aren’t dairy
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So, Ballpit, what did we learn today? #216
Yamaha owns Line 6.
Lumbermouth Great Joe

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,680
  • 131
Beaker and pitcher are doublets, both originating from bicarium, Latin for 'drinking glass', itself probably from a Greek word that meant vase


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I learned that WW1 started in part because Austria-Hungary wanted a railroad thru Bosnia but only had Ottoman permission to build a road. So the Austro-hungarians decided to just annex Bosnia in 1908.