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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 158838 times)

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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TV we've been watching lately #255
Please watch the new twin peaks. It's downright astounding that I've spent the last 17-or-so weeks watching the show that basically formed my media taste as a young teen wrap up (something I was sure would never happen). It feels like David Lynch's victory lap idk, it's just been a really incredible thing to have been a part of, even if I was just some dude who watched it
chai tea latte

Guts Going Nutz

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TV we've been watching lately #256
Did I miss Silicon Valley being mentioned?

Jack Burden

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TV we've been watching lately #257
New season of BoJack Horseman does not disappoint.


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TV we've been watching lately #258
GLOW on Netflix. 

Really enjoyed.  Finished it today.  Last scene of the first episode and the conclusion of the Machu Pichu arc are my favorite moments.

I didn't even recognize that was Carlito in the scene and he was holding a damn apple.
znarf, July 01, 2017, 01:41:58 am

Tried a couple of episodes and really didn't like it.
I found the writing lazy and the characters unoriginal.
The concept of the show is really good, but the execution is your basic Netflix formula of "boring and sad main character with an assortment of quirky and 'interesting' side-characters".
Did not surprise me one bit to learn it's from the same people who made "Orange is the new Black", not because it was bad but because it's basically the same show in a different setting.
Ambious, August 10, 2017, 12:07:36 pm

Never watched "Orange..." and I'm a sucker for wrestling stuff.

In other news watched the first episode of Inhumans and it is bad.  Not boring, but bad.

Achilles' Heelies

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TV we've been watching lately #259
I've been watching Ozark on Netflix, it's pretty good so far. However, I get distracted, because this dude looks like a hillbilly Boots Raingear.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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TV we've been watching lately #260
Newfie Boots Raingear


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TV we've been watching lately #261
There is this trashy MTV reality show called "Are You The One". Its amazing.

Not because of the drama (which is awesome) but the premise of the show is just facinating.


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TV we've been watching lately #262
Is that based on the Chinese dating show? That's semi big over here (Aus) though I've not seen a lot of it myself.


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TV we've been watching lately #263
Is that based on the Chinese dating show? That's semi big over here (Aus) though I've not seen a lot of it myself.
FinchChunk, November 17, 2017, 07:15:59 am

I have no idea! I checked wiki and it doesn't seem to be based on anything.

It's basically a giant game of mastermind

(this one) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastermind_(board_game)


  • The Unsevered
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TV we've been watching lately #264
I started rewatching Secret World of Santa Claus, a series that used to air (and I think still airs) on Teletoon around christmastime. It's really good for christmas media, they don't really hold back on weirdness so you'll get plotlines like "Rudolph is feeling unappreciated and ran away and Santa has to find him!" and then still manage to end up with shit like Santa Claus shooting fireworks out of sleigh-mounted missile launchers at wolves. I highly recommend it. Here's the theme song, which is also awesome.


  • The Unsevered
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TV we've been watching lately #265
Also there are no results on this forum for Xavier: Renegade Angel, which is fucking criminal. The entire series is on youtube, so go watch it, it's a good criticism of new-age philosophy/spirituality and also has really smart, well written dialogue and jokes.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 12:23:57 am by Wrought »

Victor Laszlo

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TV we've been watching lately #266
I'm halfway through season 1 of True Detective.  It's so gorgeous I want to cheat on my wife with it.  I don't know if you can win any sort of award acting in an HBO show, but Matthew McConaughey (or however you spell it) is fucking amazing.  Spellbinding.  Woody Harrelson is the best I've seen him.  I mean, you never forget he's Woody, but he pulls off some subtle looks that only a professional can do.  The whole thing is shot amazingly - everything is perfectly framed, perfectly lit, perfectly set.  It's fucking great.  I hear season 2 was utter shit, but I figure I've got 4 more amazing hours before that happens.

I'm also working through The Americans, which is really good for basic cable TV.  It suffers from a certain degree of predictability that I think is a inherent to being on basic cable, but overall the writing is very good and most of the characters are well developed.  I have issues with both kids, but otherwise it's pretty tight.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop A Whirring Bone-White Gleech


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TV we've been watching lately #267
The new episode of the new X-Files seasons made me completely drop the entire thing.
Last season had its ups and downs, but this was a complete fucking mess.


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TV we've been watching lately #268
That new Godzilla show on Netflix is like

Okay so full disclosure I don't watch anime because it's so often both melodramatic and boring.

Holy shit is Godzilla some sort of pinnacle of melodramatic and boring. There is so much exposition. Forty minutes and eleven seconds: that's how long it takes for anybody in the episode to stop saying exposition and to actually do anything. I counted four separate uses of "AS YOU KNOW". Our main character has given two dramatic speeches and nothing has happened.

Even when stuff does happen, it's just people shouting technical specifications of their guns. "AS YOU KNOW MY MAG-CANNON HAS A FIRE RATE OF 12 ROUNDS PER SECOND, WHICH SHOULD BE ENOUGH TO PENETRATE GODZILLA'S SHIIIIIIELD!"

Normally when I watch a bad TV show I just stop, but I'm kinda rooted to this thing in morbid fascination.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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TV we've been watching lately #269
Omg my friends if I can call them that put on the Queer Eye reboot and they're helping a MAGA cop and is it ever full of the worst ideas. As an opener they have his cop friend fake pull them over while the black guy is driving. Then the same black queer man finds a MAGA hat. Then they have a really forced shitty "cops and black people just gotta understand each other".

I hate thiiiiiiiis