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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 158862 times)


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TV we've been watching lately #270
Yeah, that episode made me a bit uncomfortable. When they got pulled over, I was terrified. If you are going to watch the new Queer Eye, just skip that episode. It's cringy.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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TV we've been watching lately #271
Watching "Canada's Worst Handyman" and uh, is Nova Scotia the Texas of Canada?

I also actually learned things about home improvement, so it's not the worst show.

chai tea latte

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TV we've been watching lately #272
Watching "Canada's Worst Handyman" and uh, is Nova Scotia the Texas of Canada?

I also actually learned things about home improvement, so it's not the worst show.
Sanguinary Novel?, March 16, 2018, 05:56:10 pm
Alberta is the Texas of Canada in that they have oil, cowboy hats, and guns. Nova Scotia is not the Texas of Canada and in fact short of Alberta and BC (our Cali) our provinces and territories don't really map onto your states.

Canada's provinces break down into a couple simple groups. The West (BC) also includes The Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba) even though culturally BC is kind of sui generis and the prairies are where hardworking honest folk mine uranium and grow wheat and rapeseed. Then there's Out East, which is Ontario (somehow the province 'where everything happens' is also the most boring) and Quebec (they're french, love unions, and hate Islam). The Maritimes is all the formerly thriving small communities where now everyone's on employment insurance because the jobs done moved away, eh? used to be you could 'walk across to europe on a road of Atlantic cod' but overfishing and fish stock depletion means there isn't very much cod anymore, and there isn't very much anything else either.

The Territories are different. they're very sparsely populated, and very cold. a can of Coca Cola costs twenty five dollars, and there are no jobs. there's probably 1-3 towns per territory and everything else is just...wilderness. now you know more about canada (turtle island) too!

TV i've seen lately:
Ugly Delicious: extremely good, one of the best formats i've seen in a food show. if more food tv becomes like Mind of a Chef or this, it will be a very good thing.
Altered Carbon: i really tried to like this, but it's bad. too bad to start watching again. if you like this i don't think less of you for it but i just can not bring myself to watch more than i have (2-3 eps?)
The Mick: Kaitlyn Olsen from Always Sunny has the best breakaway show of the IASIP stars. ambitious and funny.
Planet Earth 2: i missed this when it came out so i've been watching it now that it's on netflix. good shit, can't go wrong.
Goblin is a k-drama that got a lot of funding from the Quebecois art council or whatever they're called, so it's a beautifully shot insane korean romance show set in gorgeous Quebec. if u like the genre watch this.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage
« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 11:35:40 pm by chai tea latte »

Dr. Buttplug

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TV we've been watching lately #273
Altered Carbon: i really tried to like this, but it's bad. too bad to start watching again. if you like this i don't think less of you for it but i just can not bring myself to watch more than i have (2-3 eps?)
chai tea latte, March 16, 2018, 07:44:14 pm
Just started watching and it's biggest problem so far is it seems to be slavishly recreating the content of the book. Watchmen had a similar problem. I'll probably enjoy it because I have read and liked the book, but yeah not an easy one to recommend.

nuffkins, of all people,

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TV we've been watching lately #274
Watching "Canada's Worst Handyman" and uh, is Nova Scotia the Texas of Canada?

I also actually learned things about home improvement, so it's not the worst show.
Sanguinary Novel?, March 16, 2018, 05:56:10 pm
Alberta is the Texas of Canada in that they have oil, cowboy hats, and guns. Nova Scotia is not the Texas of Canada and in fact short of Alberta and BC (our Cali) our provinces and territories don't really map onto your states.

Canada's provinces break down into a couple simple groups. The West (BC) also includes The Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba) even though culturally BC is kind of sui generis and the prairies are where hardworking honest folk mine uranium and grow wheat and rapeseed. Then there's Out East, which is Ontario (somehow the province 'where everything happens' is also the most boring) and Quebec (they're french, love unions, and hate Islam). The Maritimes is all the formerly thriving small communities where now everyone's on employment insurance because the jobs done moved away, eh? used to be you could 'walk across to europe on a road of Atlantic cod' but overfishing and fish stock depletion means there isn't very much cod anymore, and there isn't very much anything else either.

The Territories are different. they're very sparsely populated, and very cold. a can of Coca Cola costs twenty five dollars, and there are no jobs. there's probably 1-3 towns per territory and everything else is just...wilderness. now you know more about canada (turtle island) too!
chai tea latte, March 16, 2018, 07:44:14 pm
I've explained Canada to Americans a lot recently, here's a more comprehensive entry:

First, most of Canada is arctic or subarctic. So, a vast majority of our population is within a day's drive of the US. The main exception to this is Alberta, where the tar sands are quite far north, so cities are pretty big up there. The territories are huge but most folks there are: indigenous, environmental scientists, folks working for government (teachers, doctors, etc.). Jobs are scarce and most food has to be flown up, so everything costs a ton.

And now, the provinces -- west to east:

BC is Canada's California, in that it has lots of people, costs a lot, and has pretty diverse wildlife. It has the rockies, some arid land, and lots of forest. Vancouver island and Victoria are excellent, but also hippie magnets. BC is where TV people, asian investors, and rich liberals live.

So, Alberta is our Texas in that it has cowboy hats, oil money, and conservatives. It's one of two conservative areas in Canada. The rest of the prairies (Saskatchewan, Manitoba) are traditionally farmland, politically neutral, and sparsely populated. To avoid Canada slang, the prairies are for hicks. (I hear Winnipeg is nice!)

Ontario is Canada's population center. Toronto is a sprawling nightmare whose suburbs continue through Hamilton. Depending on where you draw the line, Toronto is anywhere from ~3 million people to ~11 million. (Canada's total population is, last I checked, ~36m.) Toronto (and all of southern Ontario) is the other conservative area, but it's a damn populous one. This is the biggest and most important province, and the most generic. Toronto has some nice punk bands.

Quebec is the most European province, for good (low tuition, great food) and bad (most recently, islamophobia) but also the least suburban cities in Canada. Most people love Montreal, which is a great city, but I like Quebec City more (and some towns along the St. Laurent are excellent too.)

The Maritimes (New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador) used to be the richest part of the country, back when sea trade with Europe, fishing, and our navy were important. They're now probably the poorest part of the country (trailer park boys and a ton of folk culture comes from the maritimes). If BC is home to hippies with money, the maritimes are home to hippies without. The Maritimes aren't like the south (that's the prairies), they're more like the Dakotas or Vermont. Newfoundland has its own culture too, but I've never been so I can't talk much about that.

Ugly Delicious: extremely good, one of the best formats i've seen in a food show. if more food tv becomes like Mind of a Chef or this, it will be a very good thing.
Ya boy doesn't have netflix, but I've convinced a friend to watch it with me. I'm pretty hype.


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TV we've been watching lately #275

Ontario is Canada's population center. Toronto is a sprawling nightmare whose suburbs continue through Hamilton. Depending on where you draw the line, Toronto is anywhere from ~3 million people to ~11 million. (Canada's total population is, last I checked, ~36m.) Toronto (and all of southern Ontario) is the other conservative area, but it's a damn populous one. This is the biggest and most important province, and the most generic. Toronto has some nice punk bands.
nuffkins, of all people,, March 19, 2018, 01:06:36 am

As a Torontonian I must correct you on one point there: It's only the surrounding suburban communities of Toronto that are traditionally conservative. The ridings in the downtown core tend to skew much more heavily centre-left come election time: Toronto proper was almost exclusively Liberal1 in the 2015 election and a number of these districts are some of the few ridings in Southern Ontario that have traditionally skewed to the NDP2

1 - To those non-Canadians on the forum:  the Liberal party is, counter-intuitively, not the most left-leaning of Canada's political parties. It is instead the country's centre-leaning party however a large number of traditionally more left-leaning ridings voted Liberal in the most recent election in an effort to oust the then ruling Conservative party.
2 - The NDP is the second-most left leaning of the major Canadian political parties (The most left-leaning being the Green party, but they've only ever been able to gain one or two ridings in BC and nowhere else) and is popular in Northern Ontario, Quebec and some parts of BC.

Dr. Buttplug

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TV we've been watching lately #276
Got around to finishing "Altered Carbon." I enjoyed it but it was only because I read the book and really enjoyed seeing the fantastical action elements brought to life. The biggest problem though is, as I said earlier, it is basically just the book transmuted into an episodic screenplay. There are a lot of internal monologue and flashbacks that just aren't necessary to the overall story in show form. This is a problem that comes up a lot in adaptations.

If you're interested in the concept of "Altered Carbon" at all, just pick up the book and maybe watch a supercut of the action scenes. It's a decently long book, but it's a fast paced page turner.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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TV we've been watching lately #277
I've only seen the first 5 episodes of season 1, but so far, American Horror Story is impressively bad.  Uncompelling baby drama and idiots making every decision wrong, stretched out over a whole season.  Fuck this garbage.

ETA: On the up side, Carnivale is actually really good.  It's all the good things about supernatural horror, instead of all that's god-awful in the genre.  Jesus, why aren't I finishing that instead of watching this garbage?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 02:09:36 am by A Whirring, Bone-White Gleech »


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TV we've been watching lately #278
I watched like two and a half seasons of AHS before I decided it was too bullshit and dumb for me to bother with.

My super sick burn on it was "American Shitty Melodrama Show"

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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TV we've been watching lately #279
OK, so, after the grossly stereotypical cattish gay couple who describe their open relationship (?) with "don't ask, don't tell," and now that the christian religiosity has started to lean in (what with devil hooves showing up on an ultrasound), and now that Tate the K-Mart-brand Columbine shooter is revealed to have asked one of his victims if she believed in God before shooting her, I'm starting to get a real overbearing conservative vibe here and that's not making me like this show more.

I should stop shitting up the thread.

ETA: and the evil disfigured man just used the Americans with Disabilities Act to force his way into an invitation-only open house event that he wasn't invited to.  HAHA when will lie-berals learn that ugliness outside always reflects ugliness within?  Also I find it incredibly convenient that at no point did this fucking couple talk and notice that the husband doesn't remember the sex that resulted in the conception of their child.  "Honey, remember the time you wore the gimp suit, one of the two times we've had sex in the last year?  No?  Uh-oh."

ETA2: Surprise, the real-estate developer is an evil dick-head.  Brilliant, revolutionary screen-writing.  Oh, and he's a sexist prick too.  Wonderful.  I'm not nearly hammered enough for this shit.  And explain to me why the fucking ghost puts up with verbal abuse from someone that I'm pretty sure she could, I dunno, poltergeist the shit out of without consequence.  And also psychotherapy does not work the way this TV show thinks it works.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 05:23:33 am by A Whirring, Bone-White Gleech »

chai tea latte

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TV we've been watching lately #280
if all you want is supernatural horror and camp you should watch Penny Dreadful instead, which at least takes that desire seriously and delivers some goddamn delicious pulp to go with it
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Dr. Buttplug A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

Frank West

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TV we've been watching lately #281
Counterpoint: AHS seasons 1 and 2 are so goddamn crazy they're actually good. A fun thing about AHS is that it's so disconnected from rationality that essentially anything can plausibly happen. Season 2 in particular is a masterpiece imho, albeit potentially accidentally. (everything after that gets boring so I stopped watching but maybe cult is good?)

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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TV we've been watching lately #282
if all you want is supernatural horror and camp you should watch Penny Dreadful instead, which at least takes that desire seriously and delivers some goddamn delicious pulp to go with it
chai tea latte, April 19, 2018, 03:18:03 pm

Thanks for the reprieve tip!

Nikaer Drekin

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TV we've been watching lately #283
A Series of Unfortunate Events was one of my absolute favorite things as a kid and I'm thoroughly enjoying season 2 of the Netflix show! I still have a certain amount of affection for the Jim Carrey movie, but it really does work so much better as a TV show than as a film, especially since the books were so episodic to begin with. Also, I feel like the books were kind of figuring out the V.F.D. stuff as they went along, whereas it's all established from the start now so the series has been better about gradually revealing tidbits about secret organizations and the like. Also, the casting on this show is terrific.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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TV we've been watching lately #284
Why did I watch Canada's Worst Handyman? Why I'm I watching the next season?