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Topic: Episode 69: The State of the Micronation is Strong  (Read 38675 times)


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On the other hand, I'm sure Taygon would just write down "also they're invisible to radar because technology" and be done with it, 'cause that's how he roll.
Isfahan, August 09, 2013, 12:46:57 pm
Well, chaff is basically a cloud of aluminum strips, right? So an aluminum dragon is like a big piece of super-chaff! It's so brilliant that it just might work.

Has anyone mentioned yet that the robodragon bodies were going to be made of aluminum? Because it's very light, you see. Strong, too! They make baseball bats out of it. Clearly, it's the ultimate metal, and a perfect choice for our new immortal chassis!


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I seem to remember from the SA thread that the Malatorans planning for their dragon bodies to be very slow flyers, hoping that "increased maneuverability" would help them defeat modern jet fighters.

Their plan failed to take into account ground-based anti-aircraft weaponry, which would absolutely rip them to shreds.

Also, their plan failed to take into account the fact that you can't put your brain in a dragon body, but that's a minor detail compared to their tactical missteps.
Cheapskate, August 08, 2013, 03:57:26 pm

I remember someone in the SA thread describing the group's entire mentality on accomplishing all this stuff as being based on them assuming real life is like Minecraft:

"Well sure, we'll get to the island, punch down a few trees and make some wooden pickaxes, then we start mining and we'll build some stone pickaxes and a furnace and before you know it we'll have the materials to craft our robotic dragon bodies and go to The Nether!"


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Speaking of ill-advised takeovers of islands, a group of fundies tried to secede by boat because of all those darned abortions.  The attempt to Swiss Family Robinson it up didn't work for some reason, possibly because they did not realize that the island they were headed for was 1) over 2,000 nautical miles away and 2) their sailing experience was JESUS SAVES.  The captain that eventually picked them up cited their location to them as "the middle of nowhere".  In an uncanny similarity, even if they had somehow gotten there, the island in question is overcrowded, threatened by climate change, and irradiated to the point that the governor has urged citizens to get the hell out for their own sake.

They've now resettled in Arizona to work on "a new plan".  Maybe Dragon Jesus is right for them.


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Is that plan to realize that the Bible doesn't actually condemn abortion and to get on with their lives?


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Is that plan to realize that the Bible doesn't actually condemn abortion and to get on with their lives?
Runic, August 11, 2013, 10:07:54 pm

Heh, yeah, I'm sure they'll do that right after they acknowledge Trinitarianism isn't a Biblical teaching.

Anyway, while we're on the topic of island takeovers:

Operation Red Dog was the code name of a plan by Canadian and American mercenaries, largely affiliated with white supremacist and Ku Klux Klan groups, to overthrow the government of Dominica, where they planned to restore former Prime Minister Patrick John to power. ... On April 27, 1981, Droege and eight other men, including Canadian James Alexander McQuirter and American Don Black, were arrested by federal agents in New Orleans as they prepared to board a boat with automatic weapons, shotguns, rifles, handguns, dynamite, ammunition, and a black and white Nazi flag.Quote from

And Don Black is the guy who started Stormfront! (He learned computer programming while in prison for Operation Red Dog.) If only he was an Aryan dragon.


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What, is this a "Make Isfahan see red" thread now? Okay, I can deal with that.

Behold, U.S. Marine-tan.


Oh, and mustn't forget Upotte!! Moe moe guns all around.

The main character is the moe FNC-chan. She's just your regular middle school assault rifle.
She's a gun who's getting turned on by her teacher's shooting stance.


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Hair's out of reg, unauthorized color, unauthorized accessories, no campaign hat, and is that dress supposed to be a uniform? Guys, I'm almost positive this girl isn't actually a Marine drill instructor.

Good rendering of an AK, though if this character is supposed to be using it to resist the British Empire and Russia, as the progression of panels would suggest, she wouldn't have had access to one in 1919 because they didn't exist yet.

Oh, and mustn't forget Upotte!! Moe moe guns all around.

Portaxx showed me this one a long time ago and I never got it. Are they girls who just identify really closely with guns, like gun otherkin? Are they like Transformers? Gun laws in Japan are crazy strict, is that ever addressed in the comic?


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What, is this a "Make Isfahan see red" thread now? Okay, I can deal with that.
montrith, August 12, 2013, 08:49:12 am

With the internet, it seems like every other thread is a "make Isfahan see red" thread. Internet dorks are the best at idolizing the military, and many of them have taken out second mortgages to insure their collection of Hanzo steels and replica airsoft guns, but for all of their enthusiasm they know little to nothing about either of those things. They sure love to talk about them, though.

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Hair's out of reg, unauthorized color, unauthorized accessories
Isfahan, August 12, 2013, 11:12:03 am
Are you telling us that in a branch of the military, outward displays of an unwillingness to conform to group cohesiveness are against regulations? For shame, sir! THIS IS AMERICA!!


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With the internet, it seems like every other thread is a "make Isfahan see red" thread. Internet dorks are the best at idolizing the military, and many of them have taken out second mortgages to insure their collection of Hanzo steels and replica airsoft guns, but for all of their enthusiasm they know little to nothing about either of those things. They sure love to talk about them, though.
nilvoid, August 12, 2013, 11:54:00 am

I think it's amusing and sad more than outright angering, unless people are actually misinforming others or being unsafe in such a manner that others could get hurt. What's most amusing are all of the Wannabe Neos who think posing with a gun will automatically make them look badass. More often than not it's with an airsoft gun. I'm sure the fatbeards behind Malatora fancy themselves quite the intellectual badasses in that regard.

I can quite easily summarize the difference between the civilian and the military mindset regarding guns:

A civilian first takes notice of how cool a gun looks.

A soldier first takes notice of how heavy a gun looks.

I know I probably don't need to tell this to anyone here, but being a soldier is hard work and there's tons of bullshit you have to deal with on a daily and weekly and monthly and semi-annual basis. Even in the heaviest of combat-arms units, it's 95% physical labor and patrolling and running and mantling and going prone and waiting, 5% shooting. At the most. Think about that the next time you see a YouTube video of some lard-ass in tactical gear practicing his "combat survival skills" by shooting cardboard when a few laps around the block and some sit-ups would do way, way more for his survivability.

Are you telling us that in a branch of the military, outward displays of an unwillingness to conform to group cohesiveness are against regulations?Cuddlegoose, August 12, 2013, 12:41:45 pm

Well, it's unwillingness to conform to the regulations themselves. For women, hair cannot touch the collar and bangs cannot be so long that they cover the eyebrows or otherwise require the wear of hair clips or barrettes to stay out of the eyes. If hair does touch the collar or cover the eyebrows, it's not some social taboo that's frowned upon, it's against the rules. Either you get a bob cut or you bun that shit up while in uniform.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 03:57:09 pm by Isfahan »


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Think about that the next time you see a YouTube video of some lard-ass in tactical gear practicing his "combat survival skills" by shooting cardboard when a few laps around the block and some sit-ups would do way, way more for his survivability.

Fear not, America! I'm here to protect you!

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montrith, August 12, 2013, 04:56:38 pm

Sometimes I fear I lay on the whole aggression thing a bit too far, well over the border into "overcompensation".  This picture removes any nagging sense of doubt I might have had about myself, thank you.


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Submitted for the approval of the midnight society:


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montrith, August 12, 2013, 04:56:38 pm

Hahaha, I like how this imagine implies the author frequently does shit without thinking, and assumes everyone else is equally impulsive.

P.S.  Nice trigger discipline.


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P.S.  Nice trigger discipline. Psammetichus, August 12, 2013, 10:33:25 pm

No, man, see, he's about to shoot you because he's totally a badass who doesn't give a fuck!

He's even more badass than a robot dragon!

See how I got the thread back on track there? :D