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September 20, 2024, 05:14:09 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2017562 times)


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What do you think is the venn diagram overlap of dudes who are criticizing the Captain Marvel trailer over Brie Larson not looking cheerful enough and dudes who vehemently defend Zack Snyder's vision of Superman?

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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What do you think is the venn diagram overlap of dudes who are criticizing the Captain Marvel trailer over Brie Larson not looking cheerful enough and dudes who vehemently defend Zack Snyder's vision of Superman?
ikaribattousai, September 26, 2018, 08:28:26 pm

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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dragon quest monsters but with real animals, plants, fungi and minerals

gonna breed my snake with a rock to get a turtle
Wrought Corn Syrup


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I came up with an alright pun for this thread today, as I try for daily, but on further introspection I wasn't able to make the joke work in a satisfactory context, so I opted not to write it in for later (which would be now). Predictably, I've forgotten it now, and in lieu of not having a completely pointless thought of the day, I suppose this is what you're getting: a deconstruction of the completely pointless thoughts of the day that don't make the cut. What you should get out of this is that I care about, and internally screen for, Content of a certain Standard.

Dr. Buttplug


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Spooks, September 27, 2018, 03:13:25 pm

My apologies, I wish to restate this text in more rigorous terminology.

glans |glans|
-glans |glans|


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hypnotism is some bullshit, but I'd be way more interested in watching somebody get on stage and just convince people to do things. No tricks, just charisma and arguments.
Liatai chai tea latte A Meat Frank West


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hypnotism is some bullshit, but I'd be way more interested in watching somebody get on stage and just convince people to do things. No tricks, just charisma and arguments.
GirlKisser420, September 27, 2018, 04:47:19 pm
"Now cluck like a chicken."
"Why should I?"
"What are you, a fuckin' pussy?"
Seth "Slimy" Rollins Corn Syrup Frank West

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Today the dumpster fire is burning bright, so let's take a moment to appreciate the small things. Like tea weather. I can wear a sweater today, drink some lovely black tea. Today is a pot of The Melange Russe, something akin to a lighter Earl Grey tea. Learning how to make a great pot of loose leaf tea is its own reward.
chai tea latte Vinny Possum Shell Game


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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"So, what do you do for a living?"
"I sell my ceramic creations do discerning individuals."
"Ugh, not another teac up artist."

Vinny Possum

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A league of college Greek organizations for users of mobility scooters.

Rascal Frats
Shell Game

A Meat

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I came across a Wikipedia article with academic writing style attribution instead of the normal Wikipedia superscript square brackets links and I was legitimately confused for a second


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i dont understand half the things i see these days and im okay with that


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Free nickname:
Kanzi Scheme


  • Cum golem with long hair on men
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Weird Bowel Stankovic

A Meat

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For some reason I thought all the members of the B-52s were gay, turns out I'm wrong