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Topic: 285: Our First And Only Vore Episode  (Read 21090 times)


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285: Our First And Only Vore Episode #46
pokemon species are mere suggestions to furries. they dont respect the canon.
GirlKisser420, August 14, 2018, 05:45:43 pm
Everyone respects the furry Pokemon cannon’s might,  “KABOOM! Meowth! That’s right!”

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285: Our First And Only Vore Episode #47
zap cannon or spike cannon?


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285: Our First And Only Vore Episode #48
Or Flash Cannon, or Toucannon? Because I admit I had one on my Moon team and she was pretty powerful. :B
Shell Game


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285: Our First And Only Vore Episode #49
I'm really impressed and relieved that we made it two vore episodes without a single mention of The Shmoo.

Sherman Tank

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285: Our First And Only Vore Episode #50
I'm really impressed and relieved that we made it two vore episodes without a single mention of The Shmoo.
SuperTrainStationH, September 03, 2018, 08:38:22 pm

Are you in your 70s?


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285: Our First And Only Vore Episode #51
I'm really impressed and relieved that we made it two vore episodes without a single mention of The Shmoo.
SuperTrainStationH, September 03, 2018, 08:38:22 pm

Are you in your 70s?
'Twas The Night Before Sherman Tank, September 04, 2018, 01:31:11 am

Is it that weird to know what The Shmoo are? I swear I'm only 30.

Even so, you'd think in this situation a bunch of cartoony creatures that delight in feeding themselves to people would have pinged on the radar of some of these guys.


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285: Our First And Only Vore Episode #52
I'm really impressed and relieved that we made it two vore episodes without a single mention of The Shmoo.
SuperTrainStationH, September 03, 2018, 08:38:22 pm

I'm glad you mentioned this, because it led me to discover the thoroughly fascinating Wikipedia article on the Shmoo:

Superficially, the Shmoo story concerns a cuddly creature that desires nothing more than to be a boon to mankind. Although initially Capp denied or avoided discussion of any satirical intentions ("If the Shmoo fits", he proclaimed, "wear it!"),[2] he was widely seen to be stalking bigger game subtextually. The story has social, ethical and philosophical implications that continue to invite monster cockysis to this day.[3][4][5][6][7] During the remainder of his life, Capp was seldom interviewed without reference to the nature of the Shmoo story.

The mythic tale ends on a deliberately ironic note. Shmoos are officially declared a menace, and systematically hunted down and slaughtered—because they were deemed "bad for business". The much-copied storyline was a parable that was interpreted in many different ways at the outset of the Cold War. Al Capp was even invited to go on a radio show to debate socialist Norman Thomas on the effect of the Shmoo on modern capitalism.

"After it came out both the left and the right attacked the Shmoo", according to publisher Denis Kitchen. "Communists thought he was making fun of socialism and Marxism. The right wing thought he was making fun of capitalism and the American way. Capp caught flak from both sides.[8] For him it was an apolitical morality tale about human nature... I think [the Shmoo] was one of those bursts of genius. He was a genius, there's no question about that."[9]