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Topic: 204: Slap 'Em Sane  (Read 50606 times)


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204: Slap 'Em Sane #45
I will have you know that beanie weenies (baked beans and hot dogs served with crackers) was a childhood staple of mine. Also that my family was really, really poor.
Knitting Machine, February 15, 2016, 10:00:44 pm
I always have a soft spot for 'poor kid food', because it's usually cheap, improvised, and probably delicious. It's not overthinking it, it's just putting shit together that seems like it might come out edible. And usually it does, because it's rarely that complex. It's probably the same thing that led to the Dorito Sandwich For Kids.

My own foray into the field when I was little was not a good one, though. Nutella and peanut butter together makes a weird solid semi-concrete that proves difficult to chew.


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204: Slap 'Em Sane #46
Yeah, sometimes when you grow up eating cheap food you start to prefer it even after you've had much better versions of the same thing. To this day, my favorite kind of macaroni and cheese is the shitty Kraft kind. I cannot be swayed from this.

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204: Slap 'Em Sane #47
I will have you know that beanie weenies (baked beans and hot dogs served with crackers) was a childhood staple of mine. Also that my family was really, really poor.
Knitting Machine, February 15, 2016, 10:00:44 pm

Hey now, beanie weenies is the shit. I can't imagine using canned baked beans for them, though.


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204: Slap 'Em Sane #48
Come for the monster cock fisting, stay for the three pages long argument about baked beans.
Sherman Tank chai tea latte Baldr Caroline Knitting Machine cube abuser Nifty Nif Captain Nobeard strifeheart JT Eider Duck

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204: Slap 'Em Sane #49
Come for the monster cock fisting, stay for the three pages long argument about baked beans.
montrith, February 16, 2016, 12:26:42 am

that's how we roll in the mealitary
Sherman Tank Afraid of Audio Gyro Dawnswalker


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204: Slap 'Em Sane #50
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank Fanzay Maxine Headroom

Sherman Tank

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204: Slap 'Em Sane #51

Caroline, February 16, 2016, 02:15:40 am

She's really bad at the Kadir-Buxton Method.


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204: Slap 'Em Sane #52

Caroline, February 16, 2016, 02:15:40 am

She's really bad at the Kadir-Buxton Method.
Sherman Tank, February 16, 2016, 02:32:42 am

Actually I think that's more or less exactly how the Kadir-Buxton Method would play out in real life. Followed by a visit from the police and immediate straitjacketing, of course.


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204: Slap 'Em Sane #53
My favorite was how his 'only read the first line' approach to burning calories was also used in his recipe for Bananas Foster Whiskey Bananas. It's like he read that the recipe needs bananas and booze and just winged it from there.


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204: Slap 'Em Sane #54
Baked beans are fucking delicious and I will fight anybody who says otherwise. I'm still vaguely pissed off that I had to find them in the 'foreign foods' aisle at Wegman's.

Caroline, February 13, 2016, 07:08:42 am

If you ever come to America, I promise I will teach you what real baked beans taste like.
Sherman Tank, February 15, 2016, 12:39:41 pm

I lived in America for four years, and each day of those four years I was saddened by the Heinz baked bean-less wilderness around me. I'm still not sure what I missed more, tinned baked beans or proper bacon.
Caroline, February 15, 2016, 03:05:32 pm

Your bacon is bad and you should feel bad.


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204: Slap 'Em Sane #55
I just now heard this and it was so fucking glorious. Thank you, Caroline, for discovering this brilliantly loony loon. All the ridiculists were in rare form as well. You all made my day.

jack chick, did you actually make the whiskey banana? Was it gross?

Emperor Jack Chick

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204: Slap 'Em Sane #56
I just now heard this and it was so fucking glorious. Thank you, Caroline, for discovering this brilliantly loony loon. All the ridiculists were in rare form as well. You all made my day.

jack chick, did you actually make the whiskey banana? Was it gross?
AlbieQuirky, February 23, 2016, 06:24:42 pm

I'm making it in a few days.

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204: Slap 'Em Sane #57
Thinking about it, an orgasm might burn 0.4Kcal if you take his input of '400 calories' as literal, and not as what he probably meant.

You'd probably need to have orgasms in the range of ehealthforum girlfriends for it to affect your weight though.
Boots Raingear Sherman Tank

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204: Slap 'Em Sane #58
I don't know much about biology but I'd assume that you'd use far more calories in the fucking stage than the orgasm stage, rendering his method extra stupid.

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204: Slap 'Em Sane #59
Since this is baked bean chat I wanted to mention that I saw adds promoting baked beans as a way to get your children to eat vegetables. I thought of you guys.

To be fair I don't think they said it was a healthy way to eat vegetables.