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June 01, 2024, 08:10:25 pm

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Topic: 358: Fighting Over Nothing  (Read 9105 times)


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358: Fighting Over Nothing #15
F Plus Sings used to be my go-to episode if people ask about the podcast, now it's gonna be this. I cannot deal with that food list it made my brain hurt that it just KEPT GOING
Wolley74, August 10, 2021, 06:44:17 am
What killed me about it is you had relatively normal stuff interspersed with completely insane things that don’t even sound like food, along with the fact that the list is ordered alphabetically. It reminds me of the good vs. evil wikihow reading from that F+ live, or reading people’s fetishes on F-list where you had benign stuff like underwear next to throatfucking.


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358: Fighting Over Nothing #16
My favorites are the weird borderline ones like "Cinnamon Chunk" and "Mug Ball".
adrenochrome dome Great Joe


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358: Fighting Over Nothing #17
God damn I love how high stakes these websites about absolutely NOTHING are.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Sauce cube abuser

Cat Walking On Keyboard

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358: Fighting Over Nothing #18
Maybe I'm woefully out of the loop--could someone explain what "theory" means in this episode? I remember it also popped up in the Supernanny episode ("Theory of Nicole", which I just looked up and is appropriately bonkers), and I guess it sounds like maybe it relates to made-up self-insert fan video games?


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358: Fighting Over Nothing #19
Out of all the things I expected to hear in The F Plus, I neeeeever expected one of my favorite childhood games Ty the Tasmanian Tiger to appear in discussion. ... In heaven of all places.


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358: Fighting Over Nothing #20
So I can understand someone making a fictional country that's entirely Minecraft themed, but I can't wrap my head around a fictional country named "Minecraftia" that has absolutely nothing to do with Minecraft.

Also: I fucking recognize the first site that was mentioned in the "sites banned in Nintendosia" list, Lemmy's Land. It's a Super Mario fan fiction site focused around Bowser's kids from Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World. I used to frequent it when I was in middle school back in the late 90s. Apparently it's still online (though it hasn't been updated in a decade) and is another goddamned museum of Tripod-era web design...
Dr. Buttplug Secret Gaygent 69

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358: Fighting Over Nothing #21
so... dijon and gaygent sent both the f plus and extra credit a document on this place.

we spent two hours speaking jibberish
SHAMBA~1.SBB A Meat Secret Gaygent 69

Captain Fargle

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358: Fighting Over Nothing #22
So how was the game Frank?
Dr. Buttplug Lumbermouth Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB KingKalamari Mix Secret Gaygent 69


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358: Fighting Over Nothing #23
Maybe I'm woefully out of the loop--could someone explain what "theory" means in this episode? I remember it also popped up in the Supernanny episode ("Theory of Nicole", which I just looked up and is appropriately bonkers), and I guess it sounds like maybe it relates to made-up self-insert fan video games?
Cat Walking On Keyboard, August 11, 2021, 07:23:52 am

Fan theories. These wikis are populated by people with a high occurrence of neurodivergent traits who tend to fixate on and ascribe inscrutable meaning to specific words and phrases, so I would speculate that the term "theory" has become synonymous with "dark backstory."
adrenochrome dome


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358: Fighting Over Nothing #24
I want to know the backstory to the gibberish list of "foods" so badly. It feels like when people machine-translate Chinese-restaurant menus or ingredients lists and completely sensible food terms end up turning into "resplendent salt journey" or something.