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June 03, 2024, 01:43:59 pm

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Topic: That Hamtaro Fanfiction I wrote in 5th grade  (Read 5468 times)


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Since the snippet of my old Hamtaro fanfiction was getting pretty bulby, I figured it might be fun to share the rest of the story. Unfortunately, the story is the last of an epic that I had written with a friend, and when I first tried to include every piece in the canon it was too long to be one post. Instead, I'll try to do a brief summary of what was included so it can maybe make a little more sense.

Story one: Hamtaro is late on his way home from the clubhouse, and Laura (his owner) catches him. To punish him and prevent him from running away again, she makes a metal leash/bracelet so he will forever be chained to her hand. Unfortunately, this is during a thunderstorm and the power goes out, which somehow turns Laura into a hamster. This is irreversible. She is okay with this. The story in question was written by a friend, not me, but a hamster version of Laura would be a constant character in our stories.
Story two: I write my own OC hamster and her owner into a story. They are inexplicably Irish.
Story three: My friend writes her OC hamster and owner into the same story. They are sisters to my characters, but less Irish. She also pairs up our hamster OCs, because... well, you gotta.
Story four/five: A pair of stories written by me. Our OC hamsters (and Oxnard) are late on their way home from the clubhouse. All of their owners are having a sleepover, and all of them catch their escaped hamsters and respond by crafting metal leashes. While they decide to draw their hamsters, a power outage occurs and now three more humans are hamsters. Again, they are all okay with this.

And, with all of that exposition out of the way, here it is. News Flash! New ham-ham! (Not NSFW, but long)

NSFW content. Click to show.
RedMinjo Nifty Nif xX_sp00ks_Xx Gyro Yavuz nuffkins, of all people,


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Oh hey it's script format. Never really understood why people did that.