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June 02, 2024, 08:26:09 am

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Topic: Drunk Amateur "Comedy" Podcast  (Read 5047 times)

Slayer of Yaks

  • Provides Unjustified Rage Against Yaks
  • Paid
  • Can't Drink in the Drunk Zone
  • 67
  • 13
Drunk Amateur "Comedy" Podcast
My bestest friend !paradigm! got a sweet microphone and to play with it sometimes we drink and read "great" choose your own adventure books. It is good fun. Have a listen if you feel like. SoundCloud is temporary until Ken buys a domain or something.

Episode 1: Yeti Nights- featuring Ken (!paradigm!) and Aaron
Episode 2: Atlantis Shrugged- featuring Ken (!paradigm!), Aaron, and Anneliese (Slayer of Yaks)
Lemon Corn Syrup