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June 02, 2024, 01:59:54 am

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Topic: 331: Everything But The Sex Stories  (Read 9692 times)


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #15
Ed Longshanks is an authentically terrible person and I hope EroticChristian.com stopped existing as a condition of his divorce. (I'm also a really big fan of the theology of "if you have a sin that you really like, maybe it's not a sin and God wants you to do it.")

Anyway! Love the condom reviewer whose review is basically I DON'T USE THIS PRODUCT, GOODBYE + humblebragging about getting laid during Hellraiser 2. For some reason, the deadpan statement about the Hellraiser 2 humblebrag made me really lose my shit.


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #16
Every single one of those sex jokes was such old man humor it's crazy

Also chiming in to say I download the MP3s both because I keep a collection of eps so I don't have to redownload them (they get synced across my computers with the rest of my music library because I'm a dweeb) and so that I can use  something that has volume controls.

When podcasts don't give me links to the MP3s I break out the web inspector.


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #17
Every single one of those sex jokes was such old man humor it's crazy
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, August 18, 2020, 06:14:39 am
I was getting a very strong "nobody under the age of 60 uses this website" vibe from the whole episode, tbh
adrenochrome dome

Great Joe

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #18
I just plug the RSS into my music player and it downloads the MP3s for me.


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #19
I just listen to them when they come on the radio
Puppy Time adrenochrome dome

Puppy Time

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #20
Man, who can listen to them on radio it's like 50% commercials these days

Salubrious Rex

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #21
The Monster High bit triggered a dormant memory in me of my last year in highschool. For her major project in multimedia one of my friends was going to make a video series about a highschool... of monsters!

I didn't think much of it while listening until the succubus love interest was mentioned and had her name. I was very concerned for a few minutes that what was being read was also a thing I was briefly filmed acting out, but thankfully I remembered that the character I played, the best friend, was not in fact a werewolf but a gay ghost.
Secret Gaygent 69 adrenochrome dome Penultimatum Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB

Puppy Time

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #22
I mean, really, "(high) school but monsters" is a pretty solid concept, which is why there's about a jillion of them.   Though usually it's more "LOL that dracula is doing a football!" and less "Underage succubus love triangle in the bullied nerd group"

I Liked That Joke

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #23
Really interesting to hear Andy Rooney's take on Trojan Fire and Ice.
chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #24
Loved the condom review where the guy just looked at the product and didn't use it. Also loved just how awful that erotic christian guy was. Hopefully he's divorced now.

Anyway I also occasionally download these to my phone to listen to during long road trips & plane flights so thank you for restoring the download button.