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Topic: Have You Ever Thought About Why We Make Fun of People?  (Read 11944 times)

Emperor Jack Chick

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Sweet, sweet lies.

cube abuser

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there are many well thought out responses in this thread but i basically think that dicks and poop are really funny.


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Can't listen to metal all the time.
jack-chick, August 15, 2014, 12:53:13 am

The metal was always in your heart, no matter what was in your ears.


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I agree with the "nerds laughing at other nerds," because any of us could have gone down any one of these paths, but something or someone along the way stopped us (or maybe our mental health is a bit more sound).  I mentioned before how I found artists drawing Brony porn art on Picarto listening to F Plus episodes during their art streams. It's less "I'm so much better than that" and more "well, at least I'm not that bad.
floaty ghost


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We take time out of our lives to feel anger at someone for doing something we don't like even though they exist somewhere far away from us and they have no impact on our lives.  At the same time, we laugh at someone for being dumb nerds when we are dumb nerds at the same time.
Smoking Crow, August 13, 2014, 11:09:28 pm

I don't know about anyone else, but I could probably count the number of times I've felt anger over something on the Internet on one hand. 

Tiny Prancer

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I used to get really angry about weird internet shit, but now I find it way more satisfying to laugh at it instead.

(also, I tell myself that it's not nearly as bad as being a real-life atrocity tourist, since they get their kicks out of real-life tragedies rather than stupid shit on the internet)


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Why is it that we find it fun and funny?
Smoking Crow, August 13, 2014, 11:09:28 pm
It's a few things, depending on exactly what we're talking about. For one, weird and gross stuff is funny in its own right, and there's really not much further explanation to that.

At the risk of coming off as a pretentious douche, I also have a casual interest in psychology, especially group dynamics, and a lot of PoE/F Plus things are great object lessons in that. It's genuinely astounding to see how norms, language, and tribal allegiances spontaneously crop up around the most inane and trivial bullshit imaginable. It's also interesting to see how those things then influence individual people. Communities on sites like 4chan and Tumblr have the power to induct relatively normal people, particularly young teenagers, and turn them into roaring assholes. I guess I'm basically just repeating what Portaxx said.

Not that I think we're immune to that stuff, either. I started browsing PoE when I was 13. PoE was always fucked up in its own way, and it would be naive for me to think that it didn't damage me somehow. At least I'm not putting maggots up my peehole, I guess.


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We take time out of our lives to feel anger at someone for doing something we don't like even though they exist somewhere far away from us and they have no impact on our lives.  At the same time, we laugh at someone for being dumb nerds when we are dumb nerds at the same time.
Smoking Crow, August 13, 2014, 11:09:28 pm

I don't know about anyone else, but I could probably count the number of times I've felt anger over something on the Internet on one hand.
Old_Zircon, August 21, 2014, 07:43:45 am

I mean, I come from Something Awful where recently a thread got gassed where a bunch of people unironically talked about wanting to kill fat people and another where people wanted to kill all the Jews

chai tea latte

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We take time out of our lives to feel anger at someone for doing something we don't like even though they exist somewhere far away from us and they have no impact on our lives.  At the same time, we laugh at someone for being dumb nerds when we are dumb nerds at the same time.
Smoking Crow, August 13, 2014, 11:09:28 pm

I don't know about anyone else, but I could probably count the number of times I've felt anger over something on the Internet on one hand.
Old_Zircon, August 21, 2014, 07:43:45 am

I mean, I come from Something Awful where recently a thread got gassed where a bunch of people unironically talked about wanting to kill fat people and another where people wanted to kill all the Jews
Smoking Crow, August 26, 2014, 12:53:04 am
bring back lf, unironically

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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The Internet has created a place were people have an ability to create little isolated hug-boxes for themselves, and get away with terrible conduct that real people would never (or very rarely, fucking nerds) put up with.  I think it's appropriate to apply a little negative pressure, give people some semblance of the kind of feedback they'd get if they told random strangers in real life that "hey, I masturbate to Pokemon."  And it's OK if we have fun while we're doing it.

Can't listen to metal all the time.
jack-chick, August 15, 2014, 12:53:13 am

What am I reading? I don't understand.
MISANDRY CANNON, August 15, 2014, 01:22:56 am

You're reading God-damned Yankee Lies.  I've seen this shit before, people from the god-damned North telling lies, trying to undermine your culture and heritage.  Fucking carpet-baggers!

You can listen to metal all the time, I believe in you.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 04:00:19 am by Der Trommelnspinne »