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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 171123 times)

positive stress

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It is pretty common, yeah. I'm not positive on this but I'm pretty sure it was started by a friend of mine, his nickname on tumblr is Ganon so he was asking everyone to tag certain types of posts "#ganon don't look". It kind of became a stupid meme for a while, because there was kind of an overlap with my circle of friends and some fairly well-known people in the whole Nerdfighter youtube community. Those people would tag their posts #ganon don't look, and all their internet fans would have no idea what that meant, they started getting messages saying "who's ganon and why can't he look?" and a meme was born. I'm pretty sure that's how it started spreading.

Man I haven't thought about this shit in years. I'm not going to name names but almost every single one of those Internet Famous people I knew turned out to be creeps who would send nudes to underage girl fans and/or try to get nudes from them. Ah, memories! I guess that's what happens when you take a bunch of gawky dorks on the internet and give them thousands and thousands of female fans

Nikaer Drekin

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Man I haven't thought about this shit in years. I'm not going to name names but almost every single one of those Internet Famous people I knew turned out to be creeps who would send nudes to underage girl fans
fruithag, July 26, 2015, 08:14:52 pm

You knew Tim Buckley?? Aw man, I feel bad for you now

Fatty Bo Batty

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stuff I’d like you to tag for me specifically as “cosmo don’t look”

images of fathers in the context of interacting affectionately with their children, whether fictional or real (like a person hugging their father/father figure)

termite hills/damage caused by termites to wood

hahahaha jesus
goombapolice, July 26, 2015, 05:18:45 pm

"Oh man I'm gonna need a U-Haul for all of my goddamn baggage."


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stuff I’d like you to tag for me specifically as “cosmo don’t look”

images of fathers in the context of interacting affectionately with their children, whether fictional or real (like a person hugging their father/father figure)

termite hills/damage caused by termites to wood

hahahaha jesus
goombapolice, July 26, 2015, 05:18:45 pm

is this a common thing? are people very carefully tagging all their posts with xxx don't look so that they don't offend one specific person?
jack chick, July 26, 2015, 06:45:41 pm

when i was on tumblr it was really common. i tagged for close friends when i remembered to, but some of the people i followed were really meticulous about it. in some cases i think it's just another vehicle for sympathy bait or expressing how special and damaged the person is. it seemed to me like a lot of the things people wanted tagged rarely came up in posts. the above example - father stuff and bees maybe, but termite mounds?

  • mentions of hanging out with friends without me

holy shit
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 08:32:30 am by slambam »

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Why don't they just block the tag "bees" and ask that people tag their posts that way? It's still kind of dumb but it's better than "please tag all mentions of parental interaction with my name"

Tiny Prancer

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I moderate on a tumblr blog that posts art of monsters, which I will not be linking to or naming for specific reasons. Occasionally I make posts saying the queue is getting low and that if people could send submissions, it would make stuff easier.

One of the last times I did this, someone sent me a note saying "hey do you consider anthro vehicles monsters, because this artist has a lot of that, maybe you could post their work? (several links)"

I spent a minute staring at it before I sent a very polite reply saying that I didn't think it would fit the blog but thank you for the submission, because I both did not want to post those to the blog but also did not want to fuck with someone who had casually suggested I post anthro vehicle art.


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I moderate on a tumblr blog that posts art of monsters, which I will not be linking to or naming for specific reasons. Occasionally I make posts saying the queue is getting low and that if people could send submissions, it would make stuff easier.

One of the last times I did this, someone sent me a note saying "hey do you consider anthro vehicles monsters, because this artist has a lot of that, maybe you could post their work? (several links)"

I spent a minute staring at it before I sent a very polite reply saying that I didn't think it would fit the blog but thank you for the submission, because I both did not want to post those to the blog but also did not want to fuck with someone who had casually suggested I post anthro vehicle art.
Tiny Prancer, July 27, 2015, 09:46:39 pm

What about wererollercoasters?

Fatty Bo Batty

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I originally discovered wererollercoasters through a monster art group on deviantart. You are denying someone a similar experience, except involving Volkswagons with razor vaginas or some shit instead.


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Please tag any of the following with GOOMBA DON'T LOOK. I won't explain why because it's very personal to me:

Pictures of hair in or around drains

Sandwiches with the cheese on the bottom.

Songs where the girl/guy sings in an "Indie" voice

pics of doo doo

videos of women wearing yellow sundresses drinking club soda, or any clear carbonated beverage that could be mistaken as club soda.

Images of disgusting heterosexuals touching each others hands.

Nikaer Drekin

  • One-Man Nic Cage Fan Club
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Please tag any of the following with GOOMBA DON'T LOOK. I won't explain why because it's very personal to me:

Pictures of hair in or around drains

Sandwiches with the cheese on the bottom.

Songs where the girl/guy sings in an "Indie" voice

pics of doo doo

videos of women wearing yellow sundresses drinking club soda, or any clear carbonated beverage that could be mistaken as club soda.

Images of disgusting heterosexuals touching each others hands.
goombapolice, July 28, 2015, 07:08:49 am

Um excuse me, the phrase "doo doo" has unfortunate implications for me after an incident involving a Captain Underpants book, please tag this post NIKAER DON'T LOOK

Also, put a trigger warning on all pictures of wrists, because that's a real thing I've seen someone request.


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Achilles' Heelies

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Like the ramen sandwich, but a burger and served in a restaurant.
eudo, July 29, 2015, 10:01:38 am
Without even looking, I knew this would be LA. It seems like the restaurants are in some weird arms race here to do the strangest things possible to a burger.

Fatty Bo Batty

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             I have an acquaintance who has traveled down the "INTERNET PERSON" path in the weirdest way. It started on a small forum on Kevin Smith's old site (however, it was Kevin Smith's in name only. He hosted his podcast there, and most people on the forum hated him, and were there to discuss other content on the site.) There he met a crazy woman, and they started dating in the most internet way possible. Their relationship lasted maybe 6 months, she cheated on him, and they broke up (this was about 4-5 years ago, and he still makes wistful, heartbroken comments to this day.) Then, he became a hardcore brony. He would post pictures of his car covered in MLP stickers, his McDonalds work apron, his OC ponysona, etc. He wouldn't shut up about it. For a while he was a crusader against the people who want to fuck ponies, but he got tired of fighting an unwinnable battle, and migrated to tumblr. There, he grew into a literal Tumblob (he's like 500 pounds,) white knighting any cause he can in a desperate gambit for female attention. Recently, he's discovered the show Stephen Universe, and has become the brony equivalent for that show. As of writing, he's just reblogged a fan comic about the main character (Stephen?) helping a friend who is on her period by watching Netflix with her, and eating snacks. Then someone made an addition to the comic where they fuse together(?) and he remarks on how being a woman is tough.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Like the ramen sandwich, but a burger and served in a restaurant.
eudo, July 29, 2015, 10:01:38 am
Without even looking, I knew this would be LA. It seems like the restaurants are in some weird arms race here to do the strangest things possible to a burger.
achillesheelies, July 29, 2015, 10:30:54 am

This was invented in NYC by a pretty notable chef. It was the followup craze to the cronut in 2014.

Achilles' Heelies

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Like the ramen sandwich, but a burger and served in a restaurant.
eudo, July 29, 2015, 10:01:38 am
Without even looking, I knew this would be LA. It seems like the restaurants are in some weird arms race here to do the strangest things possible to a burger.
achillesheelies, July 29, 2015, 10:30:54 am

This was invented in NYC by a pretty notable chef. It was the followup craze to the cronut in 2014.
jack chick, July 29, 2015, 02:46:46 pm
Oh,  the more you know.