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Topic: Background Jokes  (Read 36483 times)

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Background Jokes
So this is something I'm always interested in. I love background references/gags in pretty much anything, even our own podcast. There have been a ton of times when all of us will be laughing or talking, but if you listen closely you can hear someone muttering a joke in the background. I listen to episodes repeatedly as I work, but even I miss these gags a lot of the time.

For example, I just now realized there's at least one in the latest episode (the Sherlock one). Lemon reads off Moriarty's titles for the different types of insane Sherlock fic. He says there are "Asexuals," "Dog Cocks and Mpreg," "Asexual Dog Cocks," and then "Miscellany." In the background you can hear Isfahan saying "okay, thanks Taygon," in reference to the Cytran types found on Malatora.

One that I always thought was silly was during the Bad Dragon episode. When we read about the madman who shoved a glass ball up his butt, the post's author says his ass will close up and trap the ball forever. As we're all laughing and vomiting, Kumquatxop enthusiastically exclaims "I remember that level in Majora's Mask!"

I'm sure I've missed a lot of these jokes, and I love tiny details like this. Has anyone spotted any more?


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Background Jokes #1
Oh my god I can't believe I missed that one. I'm gonna have to listen to it again. I've listed a couple of my favourites that I've picked up on in the "Favourite Moments" thread too. From the same episode, "Cream Pi times diameter" didn't get much of a reaction, except for Kumquatxop who caught it and cracked up.

I have a lot of re-listening to do to catch some of the other ones. It doesn't quite count since everyone picked up on it and started laughing, but I'm listening to Episode 18, and Squiddy's distant shouting amused me.



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Background Jokes #2
For anyone that was curious of the author intros from Episode 88: I Can See Your Retch Marks, they are "fetish content" story codes found on the Overflowing Bra (and other dark places on the Internet). Here is a translation:

slow - Slow Growth (hours/days)
fast - Growth measured in minutes
instant - Instant growth
magic - Magic-induced
chem - Chemical-induced
science - Science-induced
ag - Ass Growth
fa - Fat Growth
gts - Giantess
hg - Hair Growth
lg - Leg Growth
mg - Muscle Growth
mm - Male Muscle Growth
mpg - Male Penis Growth
multiple - Multiple Breasts (more than 2)
big - Large but realistic size
huge - Unrealistically huge
wow - Room-filling or larger
ftg - Female-to-Male transformation
tg - Male-to-Female transformation
aliens - Extraterrestrial participation
ar - Age Regression
bond - Bondage
cb - Clothes Burst/Rip
hyp - Hypnosis
inc - Incest
lac - Lactation
ment - Mental transformation
nc - Non-consensual
offstage - Events occur offstage
preg - Pregnancy
rc - Remote-Controlled
sc - Self-Controlled
shem - She-Male
weird - Unclassifiable transformations
asleep - While subject is sleeping
Lemon Psammetichus chai tea latte


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Background Jokes #3
offstage - Events occur offstage
Down10, April 02, 2013, 11:00:03 pm

Wait, what events? Like the actual fetish stuff? Wouldn't they kind of want that in the story?


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Background Jokes #4
One that I always thought was silly was during the Bad Dragon episode. When we read about the madman who shoved a glass ball up his butt, the post's author says his ass will close up and trap the ball forever. As we're all laughing and vomiting, Kumquatxop enthusiastically exclaims "I remember that level in Majora's Mask!"portaxx, April 02, 2013, 03:38:46 am

Interestingly enough, I also referenced the glass ball in the Sherlock episode, though that wasn't really in the background.


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Background Jokes #5
I personally love callbacks to earlier episodes, though I'm not particularly good at catching them most of the time. "Fried chicken" has got to be one of my favorites though, since it always makes me smile when it comes up.


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Background Jokes #6
I have a lot of re-listening to do to catch some of the other ones. It doesn't quite count since everyone picked up on it and started laughing, but I'm listening to Episode 18, and Squiddy's distant shouting amused me.
Chaz GELF, April 02, 2013, 10:30:27 pm
And here I was sure it was


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Background Jokes #7
I have a lot of re-listening to do to catch some of the other ones. It doesn't quite count since everyone picked up on it and started laughing, but I'm listening to Episode 18, and Squiddy's distant shouting amused me.
Chaz GELF, April 02, 2013, 10:30:27 pm
And here I was sure it was
Yossarian, April 03, 2013, 05:04:33 pm

That's probably what it was, I could barely hear it.


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Background Jokes #8
It wasn't made in the background, but my favorite callback joke was after the reading of A Gangbang on a Cruise Ship and Hitchhiking, where Isfahan says that the story was written from a real doll's perspective.  That one hit me out of nowhere and I had to pause the episode to compose myself.


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Background Jokes #9
shem - She-Male

Wait, that isn't shorthand for Three Stooges smut?  Fuck, I have to go change a LOT of fics now.


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Background Jokes #10
I realized the other day, while listening to the Sherlock episode again, that Lemon and I both say "deep cut" at the exact same time when Jimmyfranks gives Bert Convy as his pick for someone to have an asexual-positive conversation with.


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Background Jokes #11
I just remembered one from the Above Top Secret episode that sort of got lost in the shuffle: When they're reading through the story of the Time Wizard and were making fun of the narrator seemingly forgetting the part about accidentally chopping his brother in half a mere paragraph after bringing it up Portaxx quietly chimes in with "Well, he's only his half brother now..."

And somewhere in the world john just started fist pumping and didn't know why...


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Background Jokes #12
Not sure if this would qualify as a background joke, but one that deserved more of a reaction was the part in Bad Dragon where they were discussing this tentacle dong, and... I forgot the name but one of the regulars said "what if I don't want these tentacles?" and someone said "Then the tentacle is for YOU anyway".  The first time I nearly had to pull over and laugh myself hoarse.


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Background Jokes #13
"Then the tentacle is for YOU anyway".BlueDiablo, May 02, 2013, 11:22:55 pm

That was Victor, enlightening us all on the logic tentacles keep.

Yay Victor!


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Background Jokes #14
Also, your avatar is insisting I should ask you about AK's