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Topic: [SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back...  (Read 16516 times)

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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #30
Just to make sure... all of that stemmed just from Sherlock being made canon notgay, correct?
Isfahan, January 13, 2014, 03:04:08 pm
I think more from the fact that one half of the fandom's main couple married a lady who didn't end up dead or divorced. The jury seems to still be out on Sherlock himself.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #31
I'll accept that as just about as funny. I especially like all the revisionist "now that I think about it, the show's never been that great" subtext to it too.

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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #32
Maybe now the worst of the weirdos will move off to a new show or flee back to Supernatural and I can go back to enjoying this shit in peace and quiet.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #33
Just to make sure... all of that stemmed just from Sherlock being made canon notgay, correct?
Isfahan, January 13, 2014, 03:04:08 pm
I think more from the fact that one half of the fandom's main couple married a lady who didn't end up dead or divorced. The jury seems to still be out on Sherlock himself.
Cuddlesquid, January 13, 2014, 04:01:43 pm

There are actually people who think yesterday's show confirmed Sherlock as gay. Of course, there are also people who think that the lighting in a random scene from last week's episode conclusively proves that Watson is bisexual.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #34
Regardless of the shows' contents, Moffat has done and said some pretty shitty things.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #35
I haven't kept up with the latest Doctor Who but it did start bothering me that every one of the people who tagged along with him were right out of Joss Whedon's wet dreams. 


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #36
Like I said in another thread, I've been reatching Pertwee-era Doctor Who. Man, I'd forgotten how much it actually treats the viewer like an intelligent being with a sense of imagination and the ability to recall and synthesize information without having every single fucking callback explicitly spelled-out.

Also, as stodgy as the cinematography was in later old Who, Spearhead from Space has some absolutely brilliant camerawork and framing.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #37
Spearhead from Space
fluffy, January 15, 2014, 12:55:00 am

I always knew they couldn't be from this planet.

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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #38
I tried to watch season three.

I got less than four minutes in.

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« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 05:51:57 am by kal-elk »


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #39
After watching the first episode of the new series ... eventually, Sherlock fell pretty solidly into 'I'll watch the rest at some point' territory. I always thought Mark Gatiss' episodes in the previous series were the weak link overall (he should go back to comedy and spooky radio voices) but the response of Lemon and Moriarty here make me suspect things aren't going to perk up for the other two episodes. It's a shame, because the first series absolutely thrilled me and made me receptive to looking at interpretations of the Doyle stories outside of my comfort zone (I grew up with Basil Rathbone as my Sherlock Holmes and have always been reticent to other actors' approach to the role) and made me excited for a new episode. But instead of firing the viewer up with excitement after the long hiatus, it was just shallow and flat and faintly disappointing at best.

It's been suggested by a friend that they decided to start really channeling Doyle here and in resurrecting Sherlock Holmes have just stopped giving any fucks and are now in it just for the money.

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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #40
It's a shame, because the first series absolutely thrilled me and made me receptive to looking at interpretations of the Doyle stories outside of my comfort zone (I grew up with Basil Rathbone as my Sherlock Holmes and have always been reticent to other actors' approach to the role) and made me excited for a new episode.
advancedclass, January 27, 2014, 04:58:40 pm
If you're actually interested in some different interpretations, watch the old Soviet ones with Vasily Livanov as Holmes and report back. He's fantastic.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #41
If you're actually interested in some different interpretations, watch the old Soviet ones with Vasily Livanov as Holmes and report back. He's fantastic.
kal-elk, January 27, 2014, 06:25:45 pm

A quick prod around Wikipedia and this is definitely something I've got to look into the next time I can get some buddies together for some Sherlock Holmes watching! Thanks for the rec, kal-elk!


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #42
(I grew up with Basil Rathbone as my Sherlock Holmes and have always been reticent to other actors' approach to the role)
advancedclass, January 27, 2014, 04:58:40 pm

I've always been a Jeremy Brett fan, which might explain why I regularly wanted to punch Cumberbatch's Holmes repeatedly in the face.

Personally, I happen to think the version of Holmes on Elementary is more human and realistic take on the Holmes mythos, although it's definitely a CBS show that takes clear liberties with the canon.


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[SPOILERS] Okay, Sherlock's back... #43
Personally, I happen to think the version of Holmes on Elementary is more human and realistic take on the Holmes mythos, although it's definitely a CBS show that takes clear liberties with the canon.
sherlockian, January 28, 2014, 12:53:50 am

'sup Elementary appreciating bro! I was trying to figure out how to mention this in my earlier post but figured it was already incoherent and the product of severe sleep deprivation. I agree totally. Cumberbatch's Holmes is very punchable (so at least one part of The Empty Hearse was hugely enjoyable) and I think isolates some of Holmes' less appealing qualities and really dials them up to 11 while losing the human element, which I think is a choice that cuts your narrative potential off. You can't really feel for him or the people around them in a real way.

Miller's Holmes on Elementary is flawed and awkward and frequently aggravating to the people around him while still being human in a way that's very true to canon, I think.

Also his profile is far more Holmes. Cumberbatch's nose is all wrong.