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Topic: Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame  (Read 41009 times)


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame
with Portaxx, Jack Chick, Isfahan, Acierocolotl, Kumquatxop, and Lemon.

Content for this episode was compiled by Lady Frenzy

Edited by Portaxx.

Hey, did you ever have a good friend, and your friend was a really good dresser, and you thought "I'm gonna steal her entire outfit and wear it myself and pretend to be her and go to social gatherings specifically for other people who do this sort of thing?" Of course not, that would be creepy. But what if it's not a friend, but a cartoon character? Still creepy? We'll find out as we read Cosplay.com. This week, we're selling our eggs.

chai tea latte

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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #1
Man, you guys are on your A-game lately. This was hilarious.

Also, of course there's Bill Cosplay out there.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 03:20:14 am by kal-elk »

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #2
When you cosplay the cosgame of costhrones...

Also, after a quick glance at the doc (can't listen until I'm home from work), I'm getting flashbacks to discovering that a douchebag I knew won Best in Show at a local con for a costume with what was essentially blackface makeup. Nerds are awful.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 08:52:01 am by Cuddlesquid »

Lady Naga

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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #3
It doesn't seem to be on Soundcloud any more?


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #4
It does not. Because FUUUUUUUUUUCK soundcloud.

Oh, thefpl.us was still linking to Soundcloud. Fixed.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #5
I just got this downloaded a second time, seems to be identical files. Anyone else, or is my podcast app acting up?

On topic, these people really annoy me. I bet they look at some suit of skyrim armour someone made or something and then equate the hours of effort that went into that wih their t shirt that looks kind of like their favourite whiny anime teen. Why shouldn't they be specially because they do so much fantastic art dyeing their hair?


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #6
Anyone else, or is my podcast app acting up?

See above post RE:SoundCloud (Shittiness Thereof)

Briefly, here's what happened:
Signed up for a year's worth of SoundCloud Pro. Got in fistfights with the SoundCloudUI. Spent literally 3 hours trying to tag a dozen previous episodes. Uploaded the Cosplay episode and, in an effort to see if they'll actually work as a podcast host, I set the RSS to grab the episode from Soundcloud, which only works in some podcatchers (specifically it doesn't work in iTunes).  Cancelled my Pro account and changed the RSS to link to same location of the other episodes.

Sounds like you're using a podcast that recognized the SoundCloud redirect, so it downloaded it from there and then downloaded it again once the location moved to the F+ server.

Out of curiosity, what podcast app are you using?


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #7
I was skeptical at the sight of this week's topic, because it seemed like it would be one of the more image heavy topics. How wrong I was - it's like the tumblr episode and the tvtropes episode had a hideously wonderful baby. And that baby is a Christian fundamentalist. That was not something I would have expected and it made the episode all the more magical.

Good work, guys!


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #8
The hilarity of this episode is compounded for me because I am actually fucking listening to it while working on a cosplay project with friends. I appreciate it all the much more because dear god, I know these kinds of people and threads way too intimately for my own sanity's sake.

Also, god fucking dammit, I hate that I know that the version of Guren no Yumiya that you used for the intro is an edited version of the shortened TV version rather than the full-length song, made by fans back before the single was actually available for purchase/illegal download. I really, really hate that I know that.

(This is Ansemaru, digging his own grave by proving he's the kind of person you'd probably feature on an episode of the F+.)


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #9
I don't think there's anything wrong with cosplay per se. I mean, it's nerdy but it's not like we're in a position to throw stones. Like Lemon said, it's conceivable that there are people who cosplay and then stop cosplaying and go to work or whatever, these people just aren't them.


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #10
Yeah, the potential secondhand embarrassment element is pretty much nil because, well, these aren't the kind of cosplayers I personally associate with. These are high schoolers and young adults with very little self-awareness or sense of shame and very, very little understanding of things like money and life priorities, not people who work at actual jobs and dress up as fictional characters for conventions as a fun hobby.

These aren't the people who were deeply mortified to let anybody know why they were buying several yards of fabric from a craft store and working in secret on costumes so they wouldn't get mocked by their parents- these are the kinds of idiots who relish in getting disparaging comments from family members so they can employ "witty" comebacks because their lives are so devoid of actual conflict and struggle and because they do not experience shame correctly. You kind of have to lack a degree of shame in the first place to make and wear a fictional character's outfit (or, you know, a fursuit, or a steampunk outfit, a gothic lolita ensemble, so on and so forth), but there's a line between actively trying to make normal people uncomfortable and confused outside of a convention setting and just not taking obvious attempts to provoke or insult you when you're, say, in a hotel or en route to a convention center. One is confidence, one is being a tactless weirdo.

I feel like a lot of these stories about getting mocked or insulted for cosplay are sort of a "me too" situation in response to actual stories of people getting unreasonably treated like shit in cosplay. There are loads of cases of talented, completely reasonable people getting harassed by non-cosplayers at conventions, and everyone tends to be rightfully offended at strangers coming in and acting like the cosplayers are objects or that their costumes aren't things crafted with a lot of time, effort, and money. And the victims in these situations tend to get a lot of sympathy from the assorted nerd community, which is, once again, completely reasonable. But idiot teenies look at this and go "Wow, when my teacher gave me a funny look for wearing a Naruto headband in chemistry class, I felt just like that cosplayer who got treated like shit! I'm gonna tell people about it and they're going to make me feel better about my life choices!" And so every stupid microaggression and every situation that could have been avoided with even an ounce of common sense or self-awareness, every piece of bemused commentary or mockery from someone who has absolutely no frame of reference for cosplaying as a hobby or an art form gets turned into a narrative of  "oh my god I can't believe those uncultured swine didn't recognize my AU fanfiction genderbend Hetalia costume" or "I totally owned those jerks who were looking at me funny for dressing up like a giant cat!", regardless of how innocuous the original situation was. When you're a maladjusted teenager, feeling superior for something about you that's just kind of weird can feel very, very gratifying, and making yourself out to be a victim or an oppressed minority who's ultimately way smarter, cooler, and secretly better than your ignorant enemies is a really quick and easy way to do that.

So yeah, these aren't all cosplayers, and they sure aren't the cosplayers I'm friends with, but I know pretty well where they're coming from. It's what makes them equal parts embarrassing and hilarious to hear about.
chai tea latte montrith Lady Frenzy count_actuala


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #11
I would also like to note that on Monday, at school, I saw a girl wearing a purple maid and bunny ears. I have no idea what the hell that was about.


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #12
Probably just a garden-variety weeaboo. Animal ears and generic maid costumes are a pretty common Original Character Do Not Steal/I Want To Look Anime But Can't Make An Actual Character's Costume outfit in both convention and anime club scenarios.

Or a weird sex thing. Could always be a weird sex thing.


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #13
I know we've got a Japanese club around here, the posters for which are about what you'd expect. Might be connected to that, but I sure as hell wasn't about to ask. Personally I roll with Philosophy Club. Those weeaboo nerds better stay off our fuckin' turf, least we deliver a stern rebuttal to Schopenhauer's belief in the fundamental oneness of existence with our fists.

It's funny because we're a bunch of philosophy nerds, we can barely schedule a meeting much less kick anyone's ass.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 05:00:28 pm by Runic »


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Episode 127: Cosplay To Win The Cosgame #14
I was skeptical at the sight of this week's topic, because it seemed like it would be one of the more image heavy topics. How wrong I was - it's like the tumblr episode and the tvtropes episode had a hideously wonderful baby. And that baby is a Christian fundamentalist. That was not something I would have expected and it made the episode all the more magical.

Good work, guys!
advancedclass, February 12, 2014, 02:18:34 pm

Oh I knew there'd be some gold here: While cosplay in itself is a pretty innocuous activity there are, like anything, a ton of crazy people who participate in it and make things weird for the normals.

I ever tell you guys about how Homestuck fans' idiocy made the Toronto Comic Arts Festival put a ban on cosplaying?