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Topic: What squicks you? (Not much, apparently)  (Read 46814 times)


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently)
Springboarding off of the "Episodes you couldn't get through" thread, what makes you, personally, reach for a bucket?  I'm curious to know.

Remember, squicks are not shame.  If someone is squicked by something that you like, don't take it personally.

I'm a fairly seasoned veteran, but tit-fucking makes me cross my arms over my chest if I so much as think about it.  Not titty-fucking, mind, slappin' a dong between a pair of jubblies is just fine in my book.  I mean fucking the tit itself.  The idea of having something stuffed into a huge pit of fat makes me physically squirm, exponentially more so if there's one of those cutaway pictures showing the dick inside the boob (these are woefully common).  This extends to anything being in a boob that shouldn't be in a boob (SUGAR DOES NOT GO THERE), but God, tit-fucking.

Force-feeding is my biggest physically possible squick, but it has to be fairly realistic for me to be affected by it.  Episodes like Yum, Slurp and Drool don't get me because it's more OOPS I'M FULL OF PUDDING HOW DID THAT HAPPEN TEE HEE than describing someone actually being force-fed--it's like they go straight to the stomach and skip the throat, which is the creepy choking part.  I think I can blame this pretty directly on this part of Phantasmagoria.  It doesn't matter how cheap the acting is, just nope.  Nope nope nope nope.  Although I think the original video I watched was taken down from the LP it was connected to because it got too many comments like these:

    LolCats42 1 year ago

    I found this easy to masterbate to
    · 39

Nanbo Pally

Nanbo Pally 1 month ago

Been fapping to since early 90s

· in reply to LolCats42
One man's worst nightmare, another man's dearest fantasy.  No exceptions.

I also cannot deal with spit at all, to the point that I refuse to type about it again after doing it once in the other thread.  Yeah, it's that bad.

So, who else wants to put their cards on the table?



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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #1
You know that pic somebody posted in the new episode thread, the one from Indiana Jones? That's my worst nightmare. There was a reason why the bug episode did not include anything with the c-things. I am completely phobic about them, even writing or saying the word makes me feel sick and dirty. I know it's completely irrational fear, but trust me, if that had been me we would have said goodbye to Indie in Temple of Doom. I don't like other insects either, but those things are just so repulsive to me. Collecting the entomophilia document was actually somewhat cathartic for me, since it was just so blatantly ridiculous I did not have time to be horrified.

No c-things though. Never c-things. I have to keep my eyes closed every time I go back to that thread so I don't accidentally see any details in that pic.

Another squick for me is animal suffering. I'm especially sentimental about dogs and even jokes about hurting a dog can make me feel sad. I suppose it comes from having had to stay up with a sick dog a few times before.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #2
No c-things, eh?  You mean...ONE OF THESE?



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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #3
I ain't answering this thread! I ain't giving document makers an easy reference for maximizing my discomfort, no way no how!


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #4
I ain't answering this thread! I ain't giving document makers an easy reference for maximizing my discomfort, no way no how!
Isfahan, March 06, 2013, 08:58:33 am

Isfahan, you don't have to say anything.

We already know.

this isn't even the anthro gun pic I had in mind when I went looking


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #5
Since I mentioned it in passing on the discussion page for the latest episode, I'll start with the first one on my mind- mold and decay. I can't be in the same room as rotten food or mold, especially not moldy fruit. Fruiting bodies of fungi are fine, as long as they're outdoors, but mildew or mold or rotten things make me jumpy as all heck. And as I found out from the horrible maggot story, descriptions of rotting food also get me in the same way. By association, maggots and other decomposers are also bad, though I don't mind scavenging animals like vultures or hyenas.

Aside from that, there's pregnancy, childbirth, and babies. They all squick me for a spectrum of related reasons, and if I'm to be frank here, I can't be in a room with a baby or a pregnant lady for very long without getting uncomfortable and wanting to leave. That said, I'm not a CHILDFREE HARDCORE person- kids don't bother me, it's just babies and how they're created that I can't deal with- though I've also never considered having a kid of my own.

And then there's the oddly specific but perhaps most easily explained squick, which is transgender individuals in sexual situations where they are being treated as their birth sex rather than their real gender. It doesn't come up often, but the few times it does means there are some movies/books/video games (surprisingly) that are off-limits for me.

Zsa Zsa

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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #6
I don't like jellyfish
I dislike the way they float
I used to wake up screaming dreaming I was sailing on the sea and they were following the boat.
The worst thing anyone could do would be to pour a skip full of jellyfish onto me as I slept.
The thing inside room 101 is a device for delivering a jellyfish to my face at high velocity.

Lady Naga

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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #7
I ain't answering this thread! I ain't giving document makers an easy reference for maximizing my discomfort, no way no how!
Isfahan, March 06, 2013, 08:58:33 am

Isfahan, you don't have to say anything.

We already know.

this isn't even the anthro gun pic I had in mind when I went looking
Delcat, March 06, 2013, 09:20:42 am
Reminds me of that creepy painting of the long necked girl.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #8
That Ruger picture is upsetting but Ruger's automatics are kind of shitty so at least the subject is consistent with the artwork.

Also look at those Sonic-style eyes. Dead giveaway of the artist's background with developmental issues.

Lady Naga

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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #9
What do you think happens when you cock her?
Delcat montrith


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #10
What do you think happens when you cock her?
Lady Naga, March 06, 2013, 11:13:40 am

That's when the hammer comes down, baby.
chai tea latte


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #11
People finding the idea of drowning, sinking all the way under in quicksand, and/or "breathplay" sexy squicks me out. This is in part what prompted me to dig up as much dirt as I could on the quicksand fetish (Pun totally intended).


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #12

EDIT: I forgot dorks.  Dorks too.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #13
Men with voices deeper than mine.  Brr, gross.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #14
I don't like jellyfish
I dislike the way they float
I used to wake up screaming dreaming I was sailing on the sea and they were following the boat.
The worst thing anyone could do would be to pour a skip full of jellyfish onto me as I slept.
The thing inside room 101 is a device for delivering a jellyfish to my face at high velocity.
Zsa Zsa, March 06, 2013, 10:41:11 am

This reminds me of a book I read years ago about some people stranded in a boat with a giant jellyfish stalking them. I wish I could remember it's name.

Oh, and watch me try to piss off Isfahan.