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Topic: Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense)  (Read 23919 times)


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense)

Koji Oe a.k.a. Tonberryking was an ALT in Japan. They fired him once they found his blog.

There are a lot of things wrong with Koji. As far as I know, he is one of the most profoundly annoying people ever considered for reading on the F Plus, and quite possibly one of the worst human beings I've ever even heard of. He's like a magic compass that always points in exactly the wrong direction. If you ever feel lost in life or find yourself wondering how to make the world a better place, just ask yourself, "What Would Koji Not Do?" Let him be your Nega-Polaris. He will never steer you not-wrong.

And naturally, he's obsessed with anime and has a waifu. So there's that.

This doc was originally submitted not long after the waifu episode was posted. However, by the time we actually got together to read it, somehow two years had passed. We ultimately decided to just skip over it and go for something more fresh (courtesy of montrith, naturally). The blog is private now anyway, and for all intents and purposes the guy is pretty much a phantom AFAIK.

Tiny Prancer

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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #1
Oh shit, I remember hearing about this dude. Wasn't he teaching grade-schoolers as well? and he insisted on his blog that it was totally fine because he hated real children because they weren't like the adorable lolis in his japanese animes? I remember hearing that what happened was that people on SA were making fun of him and one one of them managed to find out where the school he worked was and sent them his blog.

also I looked up the character he's obsessed with and unsurprisingly she's a character from "My Little Sister Can't Possibly Be This Cute!" which is maximum otaku fetish trash in the first place.

Also it's hilarious/sad to me that he worships Otaku no Video because while on its own it's very "OMG OTAKU LIFE IS SO GR8" it's also intercut with live-action footage showing "interviews" with otaku that show them as desperately sad and lonely people, as a real-life contrast to the anime fantasy world, and it's preeeeetty obvious this dude didn't catch on. (I put "interviews" in quotations because they were set-up scenes, the people they "interview" are people from the animation studio who are in on the joke, except for one American guy who's dubbed over with entirely different words.)


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #2
First they came for the waifus, and I did not speak out —
Because I did not have a waifu.


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #3
First they came for the waifus, and I did not speak out —
Because I did not have a waifu.
Psammetichus, June 15, 2014, 10:08:24 pm
Fucking 3D pig.


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #4
I know that this is really small in the grand scheme of things, but goddamn did he misinterpret Evangelion.  If you come out of that show with "religion is bad," then you missed the point.

a shut in that hates people doesn't get anime about how bad it is to not connect with others, shocking


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #5
It doesn’t make sense from the start because she forgets one thing completely. Women aren’t people. They’re just objects. And who cares if I’m a misogynistic? I’m proud of my manhood, and women are inferior.

Anime needs more child deaths

I thought liking elementary girls was a little scummy but damn it I’m starting to like 3 year olds now.

I’m fat, ugly and still alone. But I can freely buy anime things now!


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #6
Real women are disgusting, greedy, fat, have big breasts, and only use men as an accessory for status.
No women in anime have big breasts, no sir.

When I realized I hated 3D and loved 2D more, I became a better person. I had this drive to strive to be the best I could be. Hate can be such a strong motivator to rise from the ashes and improve. I don’t desire to improve for others. This isn’t a thing regarding caring about what other think. I don’t care what others think. I only care about what I think.

I await the day where a 3D woman comes up to me and it’s obvious she’s interested because I’m so awesome. I’ll look her in the eyes and say, “Get the hell away from me. I hate your kind. I only have one love and her name is Ruri Gokou.”
Koji is certainly a more patient man than I.

So from today forward, you need to realize you have it all wrong. You can’t hate 3D from your armchair. You need to stand up and hurt them. Beat them by improving yourself. Don’t care about them. A day will come where your hard work will show results, and on that day you will slay each and every one of them down that comes at you.
Firing this guy was definitely a good idea, because he is going to stab a woman some day, no joke.


Japan is the greatest and I hate all that hate Japan. So that means I hate my grandmother. She constantly brings up shit like, “THEY BOMBED PEARL HARBAR!!!!111″ Yeah well I would be pissed off if my country was nuked too!!
He's just as much an expert in Japanese history as he is an expert on women!

Knock knock who was it that owned everyone (not just Japan but Britain and Russia too) in WW2?
More amazing understanding of history!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 11:10:22 am by Runic »


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #7
Oh God, this is amazing. You guys have got to read this. There's the one post where he talks about how great Japan is, then he actually moves there and he has the post complaining that Japan isn't like anime at all! It's so good!


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #8
His solution for Japan not being anime enough is to have America invade Japan and force them all to be anime.

Tiny Prancer

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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #9
I'm deeply disappointed this doc doesn't contain the post he made after he was fired because it was glorious


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #10
His solution for Japan not being anime enough is to have America invade Japan and force them all to be anime.
EYE OF ZA, June 16, 2014, 11:32:15 am

"We will be greeted as liberatu-sans~~~ ^ ___ ^."


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #11
I await the day where a 3D woman comes up to me and it’s obvious she’s interested because I’m so awesome. I’ll look her in the eyes and say, “Get the hell away from me. I hate your kind. I only have one love and her name is Ruri Gokou.”

What a coincidence! I await for the day when Steve Jobs rises from the grave and declares me the sole heir to his fortune and patents. I'll look him straight in the eyes and say, "Get the hell away from me. Apple sucks ass."

Let's hold our breaths and see whose dream comes true first, I'm feeling lucky!
JT Fanzay RoeCocoa


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #12
I want to deeply laugh at this guy, but he's the type that is more than capable of pulling an Elliot Rogers* on some innocent people, and that just makes me scared.

I'm glad SA got him shit-canned from his job, though. He's clearly a menace to society and deserves to separated from the public. (And he's already embraced his fate, so it's no big deal!)

Fatty Bo Batty

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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #13
This is genuinely scary. I mean, it is hilarious, but jeezus...
It's fascinating to see a man attempt to justify everything he does with roundabout logic that avoids the fact that he is the source of his own problems. Also, seeing the post where he realizes he is gonna die alone is like the scene in a monster movie, where the creature still has a tiny bit of humanity left in it, and it just hoarsely cries "Kill me..."

Also: having read and watched Berserk, getting an erection/ ejaculating at ANY point is deeply disturbing. Doubly so for the scenes he's mentioning. 


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Koji Hates a 3D (more waifu nonsense) #14
Elliot Rodger
Down10, June 18, 2014, 06:51:46 pm
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the resemblance.

It's fascinating to see a man attempt to justify everything he does with roundabout logic that avoids the fact that he is the source of his own problems.
FattyBoBatty, June 19, 2014, 03:42:15 pm
Yeah, there's some real cognitive dissonance here. "I hate women because they only care about themselves! That said, I only care about myself."