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October 21, 2024, 09:59:48 pm

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Topic: Special Championship Edition!  (Read 21843 times)


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Special Championship Edition!
Am I going to be sitting around, twiddling my thumbs while others are all getting together live, in person, snorting rails of coke out of the asscheeks of expensive hookers or whatever-it-is they do with your money?  NO!

So here's a special episode of QE!  https://plus.google.com/events/c1m4no2m582fbidifr4s95a09k4

Victor Lazslo!
Portaxx!  Xxxxx!
Frenchington Toast!
Nutshell Gulag!
and Isfahan!

With ascerbic Finnish judge Montrith!

And me too, of course.


  • Romance Supremacist
  • Ridiculist
  • You will be romanticized
  • 993
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Special Championship Edition! #1
You know what would help?  Telling you when that is.

THAT is tomorrow (as of this posting), so October 4th, 22:30 Eastern Time.


  • Paid
  • Messenger of the Outer Gods
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Special Championship Edition! #2
Mistress Eva and I (as well as Elizabeth Sterling who you may know from the F Plus comments section) will be there with bells on. Possibly a little late since we're RPGing beforehand, but we'll be there. It may even take the sting out of missing F Plus Live for the second year running. *single tear*

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
  • Ridiculist
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Special Championship Edition! #3
CHANGE OF PLANS! We had to move it to: http://www.twitch.tv/acierocolotl/

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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  • 12 cellphones and I look like kurt angle
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Special Championship Edition! #4
As always, Quite Exasperating is the Racer-X EP of online comedy gameshows


  • Romance Supremacist
  • Ridiculist
  • You will be romanticized
  • 993
  • 159
Special Championship Edition! #5
As always, Quite Exasperating is the Racer-X EP of online comedy gameshows
AgentCoop, October 04, 2015, 11:03:44 pm

I have absolutely no idea what any of that means, but it sounds like race cars, and I like race cars a lot, so I'm morally compelled to thank you for being so flattering!  Thank you!

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
  • Ridiculist
    • 1,692
    • 360
Special Championship Edition! #6
Why in god's name is only the last 45 minutes of it on there? Twitch, why happen? WHY???

Emperor Jack Chick

  • he/him
  • Ridiculist
  • Metal tyrant from hell
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Special Championship Edition! #7
As always, Quite Exasperating is the Racer-X EP of online comedy gameshows
AgentCoop, October 04, 2015, 11:03:44 pm

I have absolutely no idea what any of that means, but it sounds like race cars, and I like race cars a lot, so I'm morally compelled to thank you for being so flattering!  Thank you!
Acierocolotl, October 05, 2015, 05:29:00 pm

Stand back, posers! This requires the delicate touch of a metalhead!