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September 16, 2024, 10:09:05 pm

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Topic: I made my neural network work  (Read 6895 times)

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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I made my neural network work
It sounds stupid, but I can honestly say that figuring out how neural nets work and making one of my own has kind of been a life-goal, and now I've finally done it.  I have a toy network that achieves 95% classification accuracy (given relatively few epochs) on a very simple non-linear rule.  Yay!  Now I finally feel like I can talk about neural networks and training regimes like I know what I'm talking about! =)

For the longest, longest time -- like months -- it was working, but not well: it was achieving ~75% accuracy on the same simple task.  When I tried common NN libraries under similar circumstances, they were hitting 95%, which seemed more reasonable.  I finally figured out what the problem was: I wasn't using a bias unit, and apparently those libraries were -- I assume anyway, because now that I've added a bias unit, my accuracy jumped to a comparable 95%, which is what I thought it should be.

I would post it, but it's not good code.  I'm just thrilled it works.
chai tea latte Runic Emperor Jack Chick

Emperor Jack Chick

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I made my neural network work #1
congrats! i have no idea what any of the above means!
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Lemon xXNinjaKilla4EverXx

A Meat

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I made my neural network work #2
Congrats, I don't really know what this means, but I know neural network basically means brain, so I'm going to guess you've created an AI brain, and that sounds rad.


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A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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