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Topic: Episode 212: History of the Dozerfleet Part 2  (Read 51728 times)


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Regarding the what-did-we-learn thoughts at the end of the episode, I'd like to add that the readings reminded me very much of the Fantendo episode, where people with dreams of fame for putting out a thing everyone loved also want to skip the whole hard-work and possibility-of-failure parts of the deal and get straight to the satisfaction and adoration of being successful.


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Did my comment on the Dozerfleet episode get deleted?

Vinny Possum

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Did my comment on the Dozerfleet episode get deleted?
Spacebat, May 23, 2016, 06:58:07 pm
It didn't conform to the gay special privledge lobby's agenda.

Silent Liver Disease

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I hope the karaoke bot gets more play in future episodes, nothing makes an episode better than a dab of F Plus Sings.

Cat Walking On Keyboard

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I am way, way too proud of myself that I correctly guessed Creed as the only band parodied twice on that one album.

Nikaer Drekin

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Did my comment on the Dozerfleet episode get deleted?
Spacebat, May 23, 2016, 06:58:07 pm
It didn't conform to the gay special privledge lobby's agenda.
Vinny Possum, May 23, 2016, 07:00:19 pm

Um, excuse me, I think you mean the CROOKED RAINBOW!! They're everywhere, I tells ya!

What I learned from putting together the doc is that Dozerfleet is hilariously terrified and prudish about anything related to sex, and yet more than willing to be fucking gratuitous with the violence he puts in his "work." Like, how women who have sex are HORRIBLE HELL-BOUND SLUTS, but when he writes a parody song about brutally murdering said sluts he seems to think that he's fighting the good fight.

It's weird.
McMillan and Waifu Vinny Possum Really_Quite_Nice sophrocynic


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What I learned from putting together the doc is that Dozerfleet is hilariously terrified and prudish about anything related to sex, and yet more than willing to be fucking gratuitous with the violence he puts in his "work." Like, how women who have sex are HORRIBLE HELL-BOUND SLUTS, but when he writes a parody song about brutally murdering said sluts he seems to think that he's fighting the good fight
Nikaer Drekin, May 23, 2016, 09:21:41 pm

The thing about comedy is that there's usually an element of surprise.

There's nothing surprising about that, so why am I laughing my ass off?

McMillan and Waifu

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Um, excuse me, I think you mean the CROOKED RAINBOW!! They're everywhere, I tells ya!

What I learned from putting together the doc is that Dozerfleet is hilariously terrified and prudish about anything related to sex, and yet more than willing to be fucking gratuitous with the violence he puts in his "work." Like, how women who have sex are HORRIBLE HELL-BOUND SLUTS, but when he writes a parody song about brutally murdering said sluts he seems to think that he's fighting the good fight.

It's weird.
Nikaer Drekin, May 23, 2016, 09:21:41 pm

Isn't that a stereotypical crack about Americans, we're modern-day Puritans who can't deal with sex at all but have no problems with ultraviolence? Dozerfleet's a real life manifestation of that, I guess.


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A Stationery Voyagers episode that he actually wrote and submitted to a creative writing class.  He got an A on it, which is honestly surprising but might say more about the community college he went to. 

A Stationery Voyagers episode he wrote for someone's wedding, based on their actual wedding, casting the two of them as pens.  The Reception section is Dozerfleet for "they said thanks and didn't look at it."

And then the short docu-film he made for that person's wedding which he took down from Youtube because Youtube is corrupted by liberal gays.

Here is Dozerfleet's Sims webcomic

Here is a poem he wrote for a test about the rock cycle, "so that anyone could remember it" after his teacher decided to "milk biology for all it was worth".

He made a political ad to air on public access TV.

Bodark cube abuser chai tea latte Nikaer Drekin Ras Shame-ra Amelia Blank Sherman Tank Really_Quite_Nice Nifty Nif


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Here is a poem he wrote for a test about the rock cycle, "so that anyone could remember it" after his teacher decided to "milk biology for all it was worth".

He made a political ad to air on public access TV.
EYE OF ZA, May 23, 2016, 10:50:01 pm
the CROOKED RAINBOW has truly achieved its crooked ends once any schoolteacher can milk my biology.

Fatty Bo Batty

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The Dozerfleet wiki is fucking perfect for the Andy Rooney Game.

A Tea Party favorite, Stacey easily won the nomination for the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan.

The founder spent a good share of free time in September trying to learn how to use Windows 7 and Sims 3, having been confined to Windows XP and Sims 2 for five years.
Bodark Sherman Tank Really_Quite_Nice


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Oh, my comment was detected as spam. Thanks, Disqus.

Silent Liver Disease

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David Stiefel's profile on the wiki is somewhat short and entertaining.

Frequently being around customers whilst bagging groceries proved an opportunity to enhance personal skill at public interaction.

5'8" (legally)
5'7.25" (technically)

Frank West

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To add to the list of "dozerfleet things he's actually done",  here's some of his music.

Lemon asked me to record "the best one" of these to use in the intro. When I sent him the two most usable, he fucking gave up and used the rapping clip he found instead.
Zekka cube abuser LINDA Really_Quite_Nice Nifty Nif


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How can you fuck up trapezoids that badly?
Knitting Machine, May 23, 2016, 02:02:40 pm

When the only software the school's IT staff will let you run is PowerPoint, you have to make sacrifices for your vision.