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February 13, 2025, 09:32:56 am

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Topic: Adjudicated Guess 6: Why Do I Have To Poop All Of The Sudden?  (Read 24356 times)


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nuffkins, of all people, Shigan Sherman Tank Yavuz Liatai Eider Duck


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Yay! It's back!
Sherman Tank


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More Washington geography fun facts: the city of Pullman got its name because the city fathers hoped that they could convince the Pullman Car Company to build a factory there by doing so.

It didn't work.
Boots Raingear Sherman Tank junior associate faguar Eider Duck nuffkins, of all people,


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1) Michael Jackson is a woman

2) I was eating pistachios while listening to this

3) There's a town in PA called East Texas.

4) My town, Reading, PA, used to get on "most dangerous cities in the US" lists frequently.

5) As someone with Crohn's Disease, I am self-certified to assure everyone that one can feel every inch of poop going through. Also it feels like you gotta go 24/7.


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More Washington geography fun facts: the city of Pullman got its name because the city fathers hoped that they could convince the Pullman Car Company to build a factory there by doing so.

It didn't work.
Cheapskate, April 04, 2017, 06:05:45 pm

Does that mean there's also a town called Dragondildo?


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Yay, it's back! :D

.... Shoot, there weren't any fun unanswered or partially-answered biology questions in this episode to expand on! XD

All I've got is that "bolus" can actually be used to describe any roundish, soft lump of stuff. :B Or, when used to describe medicines, a bolus is a single discrete large-ish dose -- basically administering a clump of whatever drug/compound you're giving in one go in order to raise its concentration in the body to effective levels.

Eider Duck

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Oh hey, I actually guessed right on the most dangerous city. It's also one of the world's most likely city to get kidnapped in.


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"it's probably Alanis Morissette or Shania Twain"  *yells "Alanis Morissette" over and over for a good five minutes in my car*
Lemon Boots Raingear Sherman Tank Liatai chai tea latte

Corn Syrup

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A side bit that I forgot to put in the e-mail: There's a Coast Guard station at Cape Disappointment, which has got to be the best name I've found for a military installation. I can just imagine the look on some newly-trained Seaman's face when he sees his orders to it.

Frank West

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"it's probably Alanis Morissette or Shania Twain"  *yells "Alanis Morissette" over and over for a good five minutes in my car*
Chaymie, April 05, 2017, 01:18:02 pm

Boots Raingear Lemon


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Oh hey, I actually guessed right on the most dangerous city. It's also one of the world's most likely city to get kidnapped in.
Eider Duck, April 05, 2017, 11:45:51 am

I also guessed that one correctly. Caracas has always been a rough city, but now that the Venezuelan government is completely broke, there’s really no way to enforce the law there at all.


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A side bit that I forgot to put in the e-mail: There's a Coast Guard station at Cape Disappointment, which has got to be the best name I've found for a military installation. I can just imagine the look on some newly-trained Seaman's face when he sees his orders to it.
H.P. Shivcraft, April 13, 2017, 07:26:47 pm

I live somewhat close to it. There is also a campground nearby and it is just as disappointing as you would think.

Corn Syrup

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I live somewhat close to it. There is also a campground nearby and it is just as disappointing as you would think.
DetectiveSlowpoke, April 28, 2017, 01:31:24 am

You're telling me. That was the first place my family took me camping when I was a kid. I still have an abiding hatred of camping, 20 years later.

Vinny Possum

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I grew up near/in ideal camping territory, GOODBYE!
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop RoeCocoa Liatai