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October 21, 2024, 09:59:40 pm

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Topic: netguide.website  (Read 6642 times)

Adam Bozarth

  • Your friend on the internet
  • Ridiculist
  • [File Photo]
  • 464
  • 181
Are you tired of waiting around for the good Internet to come on? Are you always missing your favorite internet because you don't know when it's on?

Worry no more, because Net Guide is here!

Visit www.netguide.website for up-to-date listings. There is also a hard copy available, which includes all the listings for the entire week, lots of articles and features, an oral history of the Dominos Pizza Tracker, and a whole lot more. You will also see a few advertisements, layouts, and jokes written by yours truly (in addition to over a hundred other hysterical comedy writers).

This project is also spearheaded by my old LHR compatriot Taylor Moore. Taylor was going to Kickstarter this book, but then he decided to just make it. ]So check it out!
. The Smoking Dad GirlKisser420