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September 18, 2024, 04:16:17 am

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Topic: The Pirates of Tion: a Star Wars RPG podcast  (Read 6980 times)


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
The Pirates of Tion: a Star Wars RPG podcast
I’m one of the GMs in Star Wars: The Pirates of Tion, a new RPG podcast. How is this different from other live play podcasts?

1. It’s produced by an improv comedy theater, with the goal of making it a live stage show once theaters can reopen. All our players have improv backgrounds.
2. We’ve split GM duties to speed up the pace of play.
3. We’ve stripped down the rules, for the same reason.
4. Our episodes are going to run an hour or less.

Give it a try: if you like it, great! If not, tell me why not!

Emperor Jack Chick Ashto


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
Here’s our second episode, in which our team of comedian-pirates bumble their way through their first attempt to extort an intergalactic corporation. Enjoy Episode II: Uncharted Territory, Guys, This’ll Be Good.



  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
Our theater is letting us perform Season 2 of The Pirates of Tion live on stage with an audience!
