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Topic: 332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin?  (Read 29740 times)

Puppy Time

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chai tea latte

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Puppy Time, August 25, 2020, 01:51:35 pm
sticker design please @lemon
Great Joe Immoral Filth Vinny Possum Salubrious Rex Yavuz

Tipsy Almond

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Now that I think of it, are the slack-jawed troglodytes in the doc mining or investing in bitcoin? I'm 90% sure that they don't have a spare $11,000 to buy one btc, nor the technical know-how / capital to get a mining setup up and working...

Or you know, any sort of understanding of finances besides "NUMBER GO UP WOOHOO"... Honestly, they'd have better odds in actual stock markets.

(edit for the current price of Bitcoin, sweet Jesus)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 04:41:27 pm by Tipsy Almond »

Dr. Buttplug

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while cleaning the dishwasher i thought about the f plus theory of niche fetishes (someone gets a random boner and associates it with the thing forever), and then realized there's probably an f plus listener who this happened to. and now they're out there somewhere with a bug/clingfilm/whatever fetish
auaurorau, July 21, 2020, 11:57:34 am
Turns out it was Kumquat moaning with increasing intensity.
Lemon Salubrious Rex
« Last Edit: August 26, 2020, 06:22:34 am by Dr. Buttplug »

Puppy Time

  • Rainbow Brownshirt
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Now that I think of it, are the slack-jawed troglodytes in the doc mining or investing in bitcoin? I'm 90% sure that they don't have a spare $11,000 to buy one btc
Tipsy Almond, August 25, 2020, 04:35:14 pm

You severely underestimate how absolutely idiotic rich people can be.

Shame Boi

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Now that I think of it, are the slack-jawed troglodytes in the doc mining or investing in bitcoin? I'm 90% sure that they don't have a spare $11,000 to buy one btc, nor the technical know-how / capital to get a mining setup up and working...

Or you know, any sort of understanding of finances besides "NUMBER GO UP WOOHOO"... Honestly, they'd have better odds in actual stock markets.

(edit for the current price of Bitcoin, sweet Jesus)
Tipsy Almond, August 25, 2020, 04:35:14 pm

I think a big clue is that nearly everyone on bitcointalk has a sig where they're advertising their particular favorite dumb altcoin or illegal online casino or whatever. The whole of the bitcoin ecosystem is an enormous ponzi scheme and everyone involved is constantly trying to siphon suckers from each other.

Also I think bitcointalk has some weird karma / cheevo / tip system where people can give you points for a good or helpful post, so a lot of the threads are full of people just desperately jumping in to say their dumb uninformed response to the OP regardless of what anyone else in the thread is saying or how many people have said the same thing already. I think that's also what that dummy thicc guy was trying to do but who knows.
Puppy Time SHAMBA~1.SBB

Tipsy Almond

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Now that I think of it, are the slack-jawed troglodytes in the doc mining or investing in bitcoin? I'm 90% sure that they don't have a spare $11,000 to buy one btc
Tipsy Almond, August 25, 2020, 04:35:14 pm

You severely underestimate how absolutely idiotic rich people can be.
Puppy Time, August 25, 2020, 05:33:16 pm

The people in the doc don't strike me as the rich sort. Or the sort who passed the 7th grade.


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I think a big clue is that nearly everyone on bitcointalk has a sig where they're advertising their particular favorite dumb altcoin or illegal online casino or whatever. The whole of the bitcoin ecosystem is an enormous ponzi scheme and everyone involved is constantly trying to siphon suckers from each other.

Also I think bitcointalk has some weird karma / cheevo / tip system where people can give you points for a good or helpful post, so a lot of the threads are full of people just desperately jumping in to say their dumb uninformed response to the OP regardless of what anyone else in the thread is saying or how many people have said the same thing already. I think that's also what that dummy thicc guy was trying to do but who knows.
Shame Boi, August 25, 2020, 06:11:33 pm

I'm wondering if another reason for all the horrible, sub-ESL level English on that forum is also not just a case of the community self-selecting for folks who can't communicate, but is also populated by folks who are so deep into online scam culture that they've lost all ability to not talk like an obvious phishing email. Like, they've written so many deliberately poorly-spelled emails trying to convince people they're the Prince of Zanzibarland that the part of their brain that lets them write like an actual human being has just atrophied...
Salubrious Rex

Classic Beef

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How long until we get a crypto spells episode?  I want to know what spices I need to burn to earn money back from all these garlic coins reddit told  me to buy. I will start researching this tomorrow.   
Salubrious Rex Puppy Time sambair Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB adrenochrome dome

Captain Fargle

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Until I read this thread I had no idea what Boots had actually been trying to say through all the laughter. My brain just could not parse it.
three cats in a self-driving car

Cat Walking On Keyboard

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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #25
Ever since the episode, I've been humming that phrase to myself as part of

🎶 I said, be careful, his women is really a paths duck. 🎶


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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #26
If you didn't notice earlier, these are now MAGNETS.

Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte Macho Masc Sangy Savage Salubrious Rex


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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #27
I think a big clue is that nearly everyone on bitcointalk has a sig where they're advertising their particular favorite dumb altcoin or illegal online casino or whatever. The whole of the bitcoin ecosystem is an enormous ponzi scheme and everyone involved is constantly trying to siphon suckers from each other.
Shame Boi, August 25, 2020, 06:11:33 pm

Bitcoin : men :: DoTERRA : women
adrenochrome dome


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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #28
Magnets are really a path stuck.
Puppy Time chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex

accepting change

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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #29
I can't find the specific moment, but in one of the SA bitcoin mock threads someone found some posts where a number of bitcoiners were crossposting to a camgirl forum, trying to convince users to adopt cryptocurrencies. This effort included someone who registered on the forum pretending to be a lady new to the scene who was curious about bitcoin and extolled its virtues in a number of threads.
Turns out that sex workers are pretty cluey about finances and quickly identified and shunned the impostor as well,  much to the surprise of the coiners who had thought they had found some easy marks.
Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte adrenochrome dome Vinny Possum Salubrious Rex