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Topic: I made a drunk history type thing  (Read 7197 times)

Ugly In The Morning

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I made a drunk history type thing
One of the mods on SA was putting together a drunk history thing (that is now being released in podcast form instead of the original planned animation). So I did what any reasonable person would do, I went to the beer store, read up on the Iliad, and asked someone to do me a solid and record some narration for the intro. I think it came out pretty good!

chai tea latte GirlKisser420 Mr. Hunky Academia sambair Macho Masc Sangy Savage

chai tea latte

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I made a drunk history type thing #1
I liked this, and it taught me things i didn't even learn in a college course on the Iliad. Thanks!


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I made a drunk history type thing #2
Listened to it this morning and enjoyed learning about Achilles' sick armor.

Ugly In The Morning

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I made a drunk history type thing #3
I liked this, and it taught me things i didn't even learn in a college course on the Iliad. Thanks!
chai tea latte, January 25, 2021, 06:02:37 pm

My next appearance is going to do the Odyssey. There’s one goon ahead of me so I’m hoping I get to do it in a month or so.

Ugly In The Morning

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I made a drunk history type thing #4
My odyssey episode got pushed up so I’m recording on Saturday. Got a ton of goons who sent me voice clips from the poem, this is gonna rule.