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Topic: 390: Do Not Advocate For Unsafe Play  (Read 7971 times)

sea hag

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390: Do Not Advocate For Unsafe Play #15
I feel like that scale could be more granular, is your dick as hard as firm tofu or as flaccid as silken tofu
A Meat, August 17, 2023, 12:49:53 pm

I need to know what kind of cheese it is.
vampiresoftware, August 17, 2023, 03:57:48 pm

Getting your dick from Buffalo mozzarella to Parmigiano Reggiano.
vaMpiresoftWare A Meat junior associate faguar Lemon


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390: Do Not Advocate For Unsafe Play #16
I initially read "improves erectile disfunction" as meaning he wants to make his dick work less. Which, if he keeps shocking his dick, is an achievable goal.

Tipsy Almond

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390: Do Not Advocate For Unsafe Play #17
...Just saiyan.

DUDEVSTHEWORLD Dr. Buttplug junior associate faguar