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Topic: Which episode has a bouncer described with various meat monster cockogies?  (Read 2961 times)


  • Professional Cool Guy
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I'm pretty sure it was one of the nanowrimo episodes. Either that or smashwords. One of the snippets from the doc has the main character trying to get into a club, but the bouncer rebuffs him, and it describes his "ham hock hands" and "sausage fingers" and one of the ridiculists points this out and asks if the bouncer thought it over in his "foie gras mind." Does anyone know which episode this is? I felt like listening to it.


  • the flux disporsal
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#116, "Does an Ellipsis Count as Three Words?"

In the future, it's probably better to ask in the existing thread for this than to make a new one.
beelzeboob Sherman Tank Mix
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 08:12:01 am by Sham bam bamina! »


  • Professional Cool Guy
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