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Topic: 293: Problematic Sex Toys  (Read 12418 times)

Sherman Tank

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Frank West

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293: Problematic Sex Toys #31
StarDildos said he's not planning on selling these. For now, much like Star Citizen, the Xi’an dildo is a very interesting and ambitious project the follow on the internet, but one that we can't all experience as intended.

Why are you getting my hopes up just to break my heart, sherman


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293: Problematic Sex Toys #32
StarDildos said he's not planning on selling these. For now, much like Star Citizen, the Xi’an dildo is a very interesting and ambitious project the follow on the internet, but one that we can't all experience as intended.

Why are you getting my hopes up just to break my heart, sherman
Frank West, January 22, 2019, 08:48:35 am

Don't worry, if you pledge now you can get a small piece chipped off the dildo that you can then use when the final dildo is completed and ready to purchase, only $10,000 US!
Sherman Tank Macho Masc Sangy Savage

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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293: Problematic Sex Toys #33
StarDildos said he's not planning on selling these. For now, much like Star Citizen, the Xi’an dildo is a very interesting and ambitious project the follow on the internet, but one that we can't all experience as intended.

Why are you getting my hopes up just to break my heart, sherman
Frank West, January 22, 2019, 08:48:35 am

Don't worry, if you pledge now you can get a small piece chipped off the dildo that you can then use when the final dildo is completed and ready to purchase, only $10,000 US!
KingKalamari, January 22, 2019, 09:52:55 am

For $200,000 we'll send you jpgs of all of the dildo designs for every race in Star Citizen to jack off to, because they're just as real as the space ships


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293: Problematic Sex Toys #34
Fools! They gave us the .jpg of the dildo for free!!!

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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293: Problematic Sex Toys #35
Okay, they'll sell you Dildo Futures, the promise of dildos to come (cum)
Dr. Buttplug