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Topic: Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo  (Read 24666 times)

Boots Raingear

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #15
Also surprised it took almost 200 episodes to get to tickling, although maybe this was because the topic seemed too bland before, kind of why the F Plus hasn't done a pure foot fetish episode.
Cat Planet, March 21, 2015, 03:29:58 pm

Episode 150 wasn't pure enough for you?

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #16
Also surprised it took almost 200 episodes to get to tickling, although maybe this was because the topic seemed too bland before, kind of why the F Plus hasn't done a pure foot fetish episode.
Cat Planet, March 21, 2015, 03:29:58 pm

Episode 150 wasn't pure enough for you?
Boots Raingear, March 21, 2015, 07:22:23 pm
nothing about that episode was pure, if you're a toejam freak like me


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #17
Something I keep wondering about in these fetish episodes, and that I REALLY wondered about this episode, is why do these fetishists indulge in forcing their fetish on people while in public places in situations which couldn't possibly in any sane universe turn into an orgasm of any sort? Like the man tickling women's armpits in his British yoga class. Why? What's the point? If she dislikes it (and they all do, you ass hole who thinks a fear grimace is a flirty smile) then you're a creep, if she does like it and things heat up just like in your improbably fantasies, you're a creep with a boner in yoga class and you can't do anything about it. None of them can REALLY believe they're going to tickle these women out of class and into the bedroom so why the fuck would you do weird fetish things in public and give yourself untouchable boners and awkward tension, why, what's the point, is the secret fetish fucking up the life of innocent bystanders? Because the lift and carry assholes did this too and if I cared to remember more of these high;ly specific fetishists I'm sure I'd remember more examples too. Do I just not understand being a sad obsessive man

McMillan and Waifu

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #18
So I popped open that Marxist monster cockysis of tickling and lol it turns out the dude's a Maoist-Third Worldist.

Long story short they're the among the kookiest of the hardcore left, they're into the idea that the only true proletariat are those who live in the third world so kill whitey, Mao and the totally great with no downsides whatsoever Cultural Revolution, spelling America AMERIKKKA, that HATE AMERIKKA beat, all that stuff. They were "big" in LF for a while in that half-ironic half-serious you-can-never-tell-which-is-which LF way.

Basically it's a total surprise that one of those dudes is a tickle virgin writing a post about tickle marxism on the tickle forums for absolutely no one, that doesn't fit with with how normal MTW people usually are

chai tea latte

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #19
I had that thought too, but i'm astounded it was actually right. See also this older thread with Maoist Third Worldist movie reviews

(tankie scum)


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #20
So I popped open that Marxist monster cockysis of tickling and lol it turns out the dude's a Maoist-Third Worldist.

Long story short they're the among the kookiest of the hardcore left, they're into the idea that the only true proletariat are those who live in the third world so kill whitey, Mao and the totally great with no downsides whatsoever Cultural Revolution, spelling America AMERIKKKA, that HATE AMERIKKA beat, all that stuff. McMillan and Waifu, March 21, 2015, 10:45:03 pm

But I like Ice Cube

McMillan and Waifu

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #21
So I popped open that Marxist monster cockysis of tickling and lol it turns out the dude's a Maoist-Third Worldist.

Long story short they're the among the kookiest of the hardcore left, they're into the idea that the only true proletariat are those who live in the third world so kill whitey, Mao and the totally great with no downsides whatsoever Cultural Revolution, spelling America AMERIKKKA, that HATE AMERIKKA beat, all that stuff. McMillan and Waifu, March 21, 2015, 10:45:03 pm

But I like Ice Cube
Smoking Crow, March 21, 2015, 11:21:55 pm

Weirdly enough that MTW review archive didn't talk about AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted, although they do give Public Enemy a mixed-to-positive review

Also thanks to chai tea latte for reminding me about that thread, it's pretty great


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #22
is the secret fetish fucking up the life of innocent bystanders?
QueenSyreen, March 21, 2015, 10:18:24 pm

Essentially, yes. There are several threads on one of the sites about this exact topic, most of them originating with the delightfully named 'DontAskJusTckle'. It seems like lack of consent is part of the thrill, at least for that guy, and he assumes everybody else is like him. He has many words of wisdom. For instance:

Keep your eyes open for opportunity. Your moment will come.

What kind of opportunity, you ask?

The successful tickling of strangers starts with opportunity. In this case an opportunity occurs when a scenario conducive to tickling a stranger without repurcussion presents itself. As an extremely unlikely example, let's imagine you happen across a beautiful women blindfolded and tied to a pillar in an otherwise deserted subway station with no cameras. That would be an opportunity.

The opportunity for sexual assault.

chai tea latte

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #23
[really gross dude]
Caroline, March 22, 2015, 05:26:36 pm

i hope this guy gets maced and then arrested
McMillan and Waifu


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #24
I'm not ticklish. Does this make me kryptonite for these guys?

A Meat

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #25
I'm not ticklish. Does this make me kryptonite for these guys?
montrith, March 22, 2015, 05:35:26 pm

Nope, you're just a challenge they have to overcome on their fetish journey. You think you're not ticklish, but these creeps don't believe you.


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #26
[really gross dude]
Caroline, March 22, 2015, 05:26:36 pm

i hope this guy gets maced and then arrested
chai tea latte, March 22, 2015, 05:32:34 pm
I hope he winds up doing a permanent tuck n' strut at the end of a peeved lady's yoga-strengthened snap kick.
chai tea latte


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #27
I'm not ticklish. Does this make me kryptonite for these guys?
montrith, March 22, 2015, 05:35:26 pm

You are the tickling version of the super straight bro in a gay porn


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #28
If you had to guess, do you think these people never got tickled as children, or frequently got tickled as children?

It has to be one or the other, right?

Cat Planet

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #29
If you had to guess, do you think these people never got tickled as children, or frequently got tickled as children?

It has to be one or the other, right?
Lemon, March 23, 2015, 02:47:52 pm

I'd suppose that most sex-disconnected fetishes don't have a logical origin, your brain just misfires sometime in your adolescence and there's that.