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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2017549 times)

chai tea latte

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All cats are Muslim. Small dogs are Catholics and large dogs are Protestants.
cube abuser Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop GirlKisser420


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im fucking annoyed that I trained my brain to think the dumbest shit is funny via internet poisoning and I can't actually just piss it out immediately for a couple dopamines here. I typed "In France they call him Monsieur Bean" into a fucking word document today and nearly cracked up because I accidentally changed the formatting
GirlKisser420, February 26, 2019, 04:39:44 am
I made a joke for me a few years ago at work where for some sample names, I used Rowan Atkinson, Mark Sinclair, etc. Just a bunch of de-pseudo'd names. That ended up being shared as a useful reference sample, and then that reference sample got added to QA data sets, and so on and so over the months and the point is that if you know where to look, there's externally facing reference material that assumes that the person you're dealing with is Mr. Bean.
chai tea latte

Shell Game

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A soft paycheck is what i'm expecting. But does that mean I wish I had a hard paycheck?


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All cats are Muslim. Small dogs are Catholics and large dogs are Protestants.
chai tea latte, February 26, 2019, 11:26:24 am

Medium-sized dogs are Episcopalians.


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im fucking annoyed that I trained my brain to think the dumbest shit is funny via internet poisoning and I can't actually just piss it out immediately for a couple dopamines here. I typed "In France they call him Monsieur Bean" into a fucking word document today and nearly cracked up because I accidentally changed the formatting
GirlKisser420, February 26, 2019, 04:39:44 am

my sense of humour has regressed to that of an 8 year old. for me right now the pinnacle of comedy is the phrase "doing a big shit"

A Meat

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given that's it's generally accepted canon that Santa has a workshop wherein his elves make toys for kids, does he also have a coal mine where elves toil as well?


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given that's it's generally accepted canon that Santa has a workshop wherein his elves make toys for kids, does he also have a coal mine where elves toil as well?
A Meat, February 27, 2019, 11:36:58 am
What did they teach you "Naughty kids get coal" means at your house? They have to go mine it themselves


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If Dozerfleet turned all of his insane ideas into indie comics with a layer of irony, he'd be the next Johnny Ryan.


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Why would anyone listen to raps about pimps and hoes when they could be listening to songs about Gamma Knives

Sherman Tank

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If I don't listen to the raps, how can I shoot all the jobs?

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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So in the latest patreon episode of ideotv, they mention an acapella straight edge hardcore group called Jud Jud. My immediate reaction was, of course, to look them up. I found them on spotify and figured since my afternoon at work was mostly data entry, I'd plug an earphone in and give them a try. I was pretty disappointed, I have to say. They weren't really doing much and weren't even especially good at it.

About an hour later I left work and, not needing to be available, I plugged the other earphone in on my way home, and oh boy it turns out there's a whole other guy in the other ear filling in all the gaps and keeping perfect timing and making all sorts of other cool sounds.

Moral of the story is, I'm pretty dumb and Jud Jud is pretty rad.


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Okay, but seriously, how long did you listen to Jud Jud for?

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Okay, but seriously, how long did you listen to Jud Jud for?
Lemon, February 28, 2019, 03:33:07 pm

Probably like an hour in one ear while half distracted by work and just wanted some background sound that wasn't the telephone conversation of the person next to me, then however long (like 18 minutes?) it took to listen to the tracks on spotify after I discovered I was actually interested.

I don't know if I'll go back to it but it was a fun 17 minutes.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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I just remembered the song Outkast wrote for the Scooby Doo movie, I don't have anything else to add it just slapps

chai tea latte

Shell Game

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It may be wet out here but i'm making the moist of it.
Dr. Buttplug