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Topic: New Amazon Pilots 2015!  (Read 2781 times)

Nikaer Drekin

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New Amazon Pilots 2015!
So for those of you that have Prime Instant Video, Amazon has put up a bunch of pilot episodes for possible new shows. Have you watched any? Are they especially good or bad? Discuss them here!

I've watched one so far, "Cocked", and found it to be... not so great. It's a wacky family drama about a family who runs a gun-manufacturing empire, and you better believe the characters are a whooooole buncha stereotypes. Here's a write-up I did on my review blog, linked because it's sort of long and there are a bunch of pictures.


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New Amazon Pilots 2015! #1
Don't have the service, but sounds like a bloody terrible idea for a show. My dad will probably love it.


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New Amazon Pilots 2015! #2
Grady’s new semi-automatic revolver

Okay first of all,
positive stress Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Nikaer Drekin

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New Amazon Pilots 2015! #3
Grady’s new semi-automatic revolver

Okay first of all,
Isfahan, January 17, 2015, 11:54:03 pm

Hey, don't hold back on my account! That's what the show says, I would love to know all the reasons that's terrifically dumb.


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New Amazon Pilots 2015! #4
I might pirate The Man in The High Castle because it's Ridley Scott and Philip K Dick.

But I really don't trust most people that produce "what if the Nazis won" fiction to handle the whole genocide-of-Jews-and-Rroma thing well, so I look forward to much cringing.