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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020464 times)


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well today i learned this websites full of fuckin nerds


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Today I learned krytton takes a very long time to learn things
Vinny Possum Corn Syrup

Shell Game

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has anyone ever said "games before dames"? and how do i never meet them
Wrought ikaribattousai chai tea latte


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has anyone ever said "games before dames"? and how do i never meet them
Shell Game, August 21, 2018, 10:22:07 am

Not sure I know anyone who has said it, but I have met some people who live it.
Shell Game

Sherman Tank

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The future will always be dumber and more mundane than we expect.
Shell Game Vinny Possum Corn Syrup


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I mean, if you define future as "next month" then no, probably not

If you define future as "in the next ten years" then yeah

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Do you mean change itself ceasing or the us abandoning the idea that the future will be different?

What's going to bring either progress to a halt or strip us of the awareness of that?

Like, 23 year old me is currently posting on an internet forum for a podcast featuring pokemon vore fanfiction, a concept that would have been utterly alien to my grandfather at 23. Somewhere back in my ancestry, there's a 23 year old who'd have struggled to explain to his 23 year old grandfather the car, the train, the lightbulb, gunpowder, toilet paper, regular paper, metal, currency, farming, the wheel, and fire, and also be aware of that fact.

It's very rare to see a society in recorded history stay the same technologically or culturally without any major changes for more than a few hundred years, and I think it's unlikely that we're the exception that's going to buck that trend (not that we'd notice in my lifetime).


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Many people assume my username is a crude sexual reference parodying juvenalia. nothing could be further from the truth, I am paying tribute to the early 20th century christian novelist Girl Kisser Chesterson.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop krytton chai tea latte . lazzer grardaion?


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If you get buried in your fursuit, the only way to pay Charon is for your friends to put extra large chocolate coins on your fursuit head.
GirlKisser420 A Meat chai tea latte Frank West

A Meat

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If you get buried in your fursuit, the only way to pay Charon is for your friends to put extra large chocolate coins on your fursuit head.
Spooks, August 24, 2018, 03:20:03 am
I'd imagine a fursuit would really confuse Cerberus


  • The Unsevered
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If you get buried in your fursuit, the only way to pay Charon is for your friends to put extra large chocolate coins on your fursuit head.
Spooks, August 24, 2018, 03:20:03 am
I'd imagine a fursuit would really confuse Cerberus
A Meat, August 24, 2018, 06:14:04 am
I mean it really confuses me, so I doubt a three headed dog would have a better time with it

Vinny Possum

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Sodastream but coffee. Carbonated coffee.

A Meat

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Sodastream but coffee. Carbonated coffee.
Vinny Possum, August 24, 2018, 11:18:58 am
Vinny Possum Corn Syrup

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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"Bono remains the only member of Congress to have scored a number-one pop single on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.[14]"

I'm genuinely very surprised there aren't more.


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Sodastream but coffee. Carbonated coffee.
Vinny Possum, August 24, 2018, 11:18:58 am

You could just do that with a soda stream. It seems like it'll be gross though? Please test and report back.