There are a lot of issues when it comes to scheduling an episode of Irregular. We need three people who are willing to talk about their particular subculture, ideally three people who share different perspectives. That's already a hurdle because naturally everyone has a different personal schedule. This is part of what prevented a brony episode from happening, unfortunately. Also it goes without saying that the interviewees need to be frank, calm, and willing to have an actual discussion, as opposed to a daytime TV shouting match.
Now, I won't speak for Lemon or Boots, but I personally would like to see more Irregular episodes. We're mean in F+ but through Irregular, we can show that really, quirkiness isn't that bad of a thing. It's nice to get the other side of the story since we always go for the worst examples in any subculture in F+. So if there are some people out there who'd like to be guests on Irregular, just shoot an e-mail and let us know! Hey, if enough folks go for it then we might be able to get a recording going.