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Topic: Episode 188 - The Boobs Are Fine but Let Me Tell You about the Card Game  (Read 4459 times)

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
  • Paid
  • "..........Rarrr????"
  • 4,960
  • 668
chai tea latte Ganymede thelizzerd Secret Gaygent 69


  • Paid
    • 196
    • 2
I'm treating this episode as a birthday gift to me, save for the racist rants. Those are like, I dunno, someone spilling Coca-Cola on the birthday cake.
Shell Game Ganymede


  • Paid
  • Copperhead: Breakfast of Champions
  • 58
  • 25
I didn't expect to hear the ending bring up OG Animal Crossings, that's not a thing I want to think of in the context of terrible dating games. Thanks for that.
Shell Game

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
  • Paid
  • "..........Rarrr????"
  • 4,960
  • 668
I'm treating this episode as a birthday gift to me, save for the racist rants. Those are like, I dunno, someone spilling Coca-Cola on the birthday cake.
PaulLovesToLaugh, February 16, 2024, 07:40:00 pm
Happy birthday, here comes the coke.


  • Paid
  • Make documents, not sense.
    • 814
    • 20
Card game guy should just get a friend and play strip magic the gathering.