Ahhh, there we go. That's much better UX.
You've probably noticed the change, but I just redid topic icons to fit with the ballp.it look and feel. This is going to be an ongoing process of going through and remove every icon that's got distracting colors in it. Next up is gonna be the thumbs up/thumbs down thing I repurposed from thefpl.us and those unsightly contact icons.
INCIDENTALLY, if anyone's got a copy of illustrator and wants to lend a hand, I would love to get single color icons for the +1/-1 thing. Currently it's set to "dap" and "punch", so we could play with [fist and fist] & [fist and face], but I'm perfectly content with any other duality you might want to try out. Maybe [handjob] & [groin kick] or [beer] and [poison]? Whatever looks best. The big stipulation is that it has to be single color (black on transparent), and it has to look right at small sizes (26x26, probably).
Let me know, otherwise I'll try to dig something up.
(Oh and the image assets for the topic icons were created by
VisualPharm, who make very nice icons indeed.)