Some bits I liked from that megasogynist:
Man has been dating younger women since we lived in caves and chased mammoths and saber toothed tigers.
Neolithic humans did get sexually active early. However, this was more caveteenagers having sex with each other and not so much fifty-year-old cavemen dating eighteen-year-old cavewomen.
The photo above was taken at a Midwestern airport in the United States yesterday. When I saw this mid-50’s American man with his oversized American gut, I couldn’t help but notice his wife: a stunningly beautiful Asian woman. Thankfully, this guy didn’t kowtow to her, chase her around or kiss her ass. Quite to the contrary, she scurried along behind him – carrying their baby, just barely able to keep up. He was acting like a man and she obviously respected him for it. You look at this guy through the prism of Western Feminism and you (I did this myself) roll your eyes, “Oh, this guy; had to get a foreign wife because he can’t compete.” I almost smack my own forehead for letting this feminist backwash thinking take root into my own mind.
"I almost called myself on my own bullshit, lucky I caught myself there!"
I suggest that every man pays for sex whether it be a prostitute, a wife or a girlfriend. Don’t take my word for it – I’m sure you know some man who was divorced. Ask him, “How much did it cost?” Be sure to not only include the child support payments & the alimony, but also the distribution of the “marital assets,” and then also include the cost of putting a roof over her head, groceries in the refrigerator, insurance for the car, the electric & cable bill, dining out on Friday night, landscaping and chemicals for the pool.
It was already said in the MRA episode, but if only there was some movement of women to give them financial independence so they wouldn't have to rely on men to pay for everything...
And without doubt, marrying a foreign woman is a much better way to go than marrying an American woman with a built-in sense of entitlement, a woman who is already pushing maximum density and after she blows up in marriage, she will take you in divorce court for every penny you’ve saved.
Here's a thought: he's terrified of women. The only women he thinks are worth anything are those who are subservient because he doesn't want a woman sucking up all his money and divorcing him.
In no time, [a generic American woman] will be 40, her ovaries will be screaming at her and she will desperately seek a sperm donor for her and her newly acquired lesbian girlfriend.
We've got to stop all these middle-aged women turning into lesbians!
For a guy who calls himself average-looking he's really concerned with the right of fat fucks to have foreign wives without people thinking they're weird.
It's cute how he thinks Russian mail-order brides are the paragons of loving motherhood and aren't just looking for an angle to get legal US residency.