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Topic: Opinion Time!  (Read 5296 times)


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Opinion Time!
So we have been doing Extra Credit for a while now and I am interested in what you, the listeners, think of it so far?
Amelia Blank


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Opinion Time! #1
You guys are really starting to hit your groove! The first four-ish episodes were kind of shaky, but hey -- all early episodes of things are. :B Once you guys started getting more used to recording a podcast and more used to each other, I think, things started flowing better. It seems like you guys are less afraid to make quips off the cuff now, and that's great. :3 Folks seem to be getting a better sense of timing and when it's good to drop a joke, as opposed to staying quiet for fear of talking over somebody else's turn.

All in all, good job, thank you, hope you guys are having fun :D
Amelia Blank


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Opinion Time! #2
I download it new episodes same day as they drop.  They are amusing.

The recent quiz variant (with foil cover) was a fun and horrible twist.
Amelia Blank

Silent Liver Disease

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Opinion Time! #3
I'd say it scratches the same itch as the F+ for me. I like the rotating cast and Ridiculist cameos.
Amelia Blank

Sherman Tank

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Opinion Time! #4
I feel like I want to say that some of the episodes could use some tightening up to quicken the pace and remove some of the spots where it goes silent for a couple seconds, but since I can't edit a podcast episode to save my life I also bad for saying so.

EDIT: Also they should really edit out that annoying shrieking dude who interrupts everyone to make unfunny lit jokes.
Ganymede bubbleuj
« Last Edit: December 30, 2016, 11:41:25 am by Professional Sherman Tank Technician »


  • Paid
  • aka Ludwig von Bangthoven
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Opinion Time! #5
I feel like I want to say that some of the episodes could use some tightening up to quicken the pace and remove some of the spots where it goes silent for a couple seconds, but since I can't edit a podcast episode to save my life I also bad for saying so.

EDIT: Also they should really edit out that annoying shrieking dude who interrupts everyone to make unfunny lit jokes.
Stating Sherman Tank is Mexico air is delicious is wrong, December 29, 2016, 07:41:53 pm

Don't be mean to Lem...oh I get it


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Opinion Time! #6
Literally all the worst ever. Especially that slowpoke guy. Not funny at all.
Sherman Tank