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Topic: What's up with your username?  (Read 145833 times)


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What's up with your username? #180
It Came From Steam. Sorry for titlecasing that,  but it sounds like a movie. Basically I used to do weird names in a certain format,  changing every 3 months or so. The 3 longest lasting are: confusion of the damned, rapture of the ancients, and Satan in a zoot suit.

Courtesy Bee

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What's up with your username? #181

NSFW content. Click to show.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Corn Syrup Nifty Nif Cirr


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What's up with your username? #182
I was trying to think of something that sounds cool but not to pretentious, since it was 2006 and my username was Aegis which sounded cool but also way too pretentious. Since I was a shitnerd, I heard the word "Gyrfalcon" in American McGee's Alice and thought "hmm, if this was 'Gyrofalcon' it would sound like some robot bird." So, I changed my name to that. Quickly I realized that it was a shitty pun nobody would get, and started using the shortened version of just "Gyro."

I keep trying to think of a new username to go with. Candidates have included Sibboleth and FractalCat. Nothing really stands out though.


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What's up with your username? #183
I was trying to think of something that sounds cool but not to pretentious, since it was 2006 and my username was Aegis which sounded cool but also way too pretentious. Since I was a shitnerd, I heard the word "Gyrfalcon" in American McGee's Alice and thought "hmm, if this was 'Gyrofalcon' it would sound like some robot bird." So, I changed my name to that. Quickly I realized that it was a shitty pun nobody would get, and started using the shortened version of just "Gyro."

I keep trying to think of a new username to go with. Candidates have included Sibboleth and FractalCat. Nothing really stands out though.
Gyro, April 19, 2016, 09:03:03 am
WARNING: I will now and always pronounce your name as yee-ro, and now I want your avatar to be a falcon that exclusively eats gyros
Gyro eldritchhat chai tea latte Sherman Tank

A Meat

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What's up with your username? #184
I was trying to think of something that sounds cool but not to pretentious, since it was 2006 and my username was Aegis which sounded cool but also way too pretentious. Since I was a shitnerd, I heard the word "Gyrfalcon" in American McGee's Alice and thought "hmm, if this was 'Gyrofalcon' it would sound like some robot bird." So, I changed my name to that. Quickly I realized that it was a shitty pun nobody would get, and started using the shortened version of just "Gyro."

I keep trying to think of a new username to go with. Candidates have included Sibboleth and FractalCat. Nothing really stands out though.
Gyro, April 19, 2016, 09:03:03 am
I hope you don't mind learning new facts, but in Modern Hebrew 'sibolet' means endurance (mostly used in Hebrew to denote physical, esp. heart and lung capability). In addition, Modern Hebrew doesn't have a native 'th' sound of any kind so Shibboleth actually pronounced 'shibolet' in Hebrew. The word itself actually refers to the part of the plant containing grains.

I can write more about this, but since it's unprovoked I'll keep it at this. Consider yourself lucky.


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What's up with your username? #185
I was trying to think of something that sounds cool but not to pretentious, since it was 2006 and my username was Aegis which sounded cool but also way too pretentious. Since I was a shitnerd, I heard the word "Gyrfalcon" in American McGee's Alice and thought "hmm, if this was 'Gyrofalcon' it would sound like some robot bird." So, I changed my name to that. Quickly I realized that it was a shitty pun nobody would get, and started using the shortened version of just "Gyro."
Gyro, April 19, 2016, 09:03:03 am
WARNING: I will now and always pronounce your name as yee-ro, and now I want your avatar to be a falcon that exclusively eats gyros
SatanInAZootSuit, April 19, 2016, 09:07:07 am

I've done the easy part and made you the icon. The rest is up to you, yee-ro

Gyro chai tea latte SatanInAZootSuit Maxine Headroom Digital Walnut NutshellGulag A Whirring Bone-White Gleech


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What's up with your username? #186
I was trying to think of something that sounds cool but not to pretentious, since it was 2006 and my username was Aegis which sounded cool but also way too pretentious. Since I was a shitnerd, I heard the word "Gyrfalcon" in American McGee's Alice and thought "hmm, if this was 'Gyrofalcon' it would sound like some robot bird." So, I changed my name to that. Quickly I realized that it was a shitty pun nobody would get, and started using the shortened version of just "Gyro."
Gyro, April 19, 2016, 09:03:03 am
WARNING: I will now and always pronounce your name as yee-ro, and now I want your avatar to be a falcon that exclusively eats gyros
SatanInAZootSuit, April 19, 2016, 09:07:07 am

I've done the easy part and made you the icon. The rest is up to you, yee-ro

Ashto, April 19, 2016, 10:44:35 am

Your wish (and hilarious photoshop) is my command.


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What's up with your username? #187
I was trying to think of something that sounds cool but not to pretentious, since it was 2006 and my username was Aegis which sounded cool but also way too pretentious. Since I was a shitnerd, I heard the word "Gyrfalcon" in American McGee's Alice and thought "hmm, if this was 'Gyrofalcon' it would sound like some robot bird." So, I changed my name to that. Quickly I realized that it was a shitty pun nobody would get, and started using the shortened version of just "Gyro."

I keep trying to think of a new username to go with. Candidates have included Sibboleth and FractalCat. Nothing really stands out though.
Gyro, April 19, 2016, 09:03:03 am

You'll always be a delicious Greek pita sandwich to me.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop SatanInAZootSuit Sherman Tank Gyro


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What's up with your username? #188

NSFW content. Click to show.
Courtesy Bee, April 19, 2016, 08:58:09 am
How To Make A Courtesy PEE,
How To Make A Courtesy BEE
chai tea latte Courtesy Bee Nifty Nif Cirr Gyro


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What's up with your username? #189
I am profoundly lacking in creativity and decisiveness.

edit from the future: at this point my username was like "placeholder name" or something before I decided ballpit was probably not going to burn me at the stake
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 08:24:16 am by Cirr »


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What's up with your username? #190
Mine started out a a reference to Red vs. Blue (Chupathingy), but then I ran into a few places where it had been taken, and amongst my friends and loved ones I've been known to do a rather hilarous, I'm told, impression of a T-rex to delight children and make my wife roll her eyes and smile. Because my name starts with a T I have called that impression the T[inserttherestofmynamehere]saurus-Rex. So I combined the two. And the Chupasaurus-Rex was born.


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What's up with your username? #191
I was 14, and Internet names are forever.
Nifty Nif Maxine Headroom chai tea latte xX_sp00ks_Xx Bodark Chupasaurus-Rex Really_Quite_Nice


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What's up with your username? #192
I might as well make this my first post on the forum I guess?

I like mushrooms. That is literally it. I photograph and identify them as a hobby because I am a normal person who has friends.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte Ashto Yavuz Lemon NutshellGulag Maxine Headroom

Dr. Buttplug

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What's up with your username? #193
My current username is pretty self explanatory, it is technically misspelled according to dozerfleet cannon but I prefer to think it is cockney rhyming slang for a shitty breakfast, or morning sex.

I used to use the username niceguy64, I was in high school when I came up with it and it was directly related to always being labeled a "nice guy" with all the terrible connotations connected to it, and my first console was a commodore 64. There were other permutations and even after it became a meme for neckbeards I embraced it ironically in the something awful goony loser sort of sense. A year or two ago I found another niceguy64 out there in the interwebs, there are many, this lent to some amount of anonymity, but this particular guy chose "niceguy" because he was a total creepy rapist pedophile type and he chose "64" because he was born in the year 1964. So since I had been looking for a proper replacement. Thanks Lemon!
xX_sp00ks_Xx Corn Syrup

Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr.

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What's up with your username? #194
I used to be merely Turbo Sexaphone. When a random cashier at Popeye's called me delightful, I knew that I had grown as a human, and decided that one of my internet handles had to reflect this. Thus was the title "Turbo Sexaphonic Delight" born.
Bodark Yavuz positive stress Dr. Buttplug Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Boots Raingear A Meat chai tea latte Ashto Fanzay Sherman Tank Nifty Nif junior associate faguar Down10 znarf Gyro Maxine Headroom Lost Season