Snakes In The Ball Pit > Yay, I get to talk about me!

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Corn Syrup:
"Your basic human is between three and twenty-five feet tall, and is mostly composed of an oily goo wrapped in a t-shirt."
"Is it true that they bite you on the neck to drain your transmission fluid, and then you become human yourself?"
"Sure, why not?"

First, let’s acknowledge we’re talking about fictional characters. With that said, the punisher emulates  reality. A man that has given his life to help those that cannot help themselves. A man that has been broken down so far that he has decided the rest of his life will be given to help the less fortunate. The other, created by steroids.

Blessed are the real men that fight the things that go boo in the night so little boys that don’t know what bathroom to use don’t have to.

Corn Syrup:
The best defense, just in case one of these cases turns out to be legit, is to send a video of myself watching porn to all my contacts preemptively. Take out their leverage, you know?

Shell Game:
Duke of meme meme meme


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