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Topic: Where do you guys meet all these weird people?  (Read 17936 times)


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You all keep talking about how you're friends with tumblr chicks, furries and other assorted internet people.  Where do you meet them?  I don't know any.  The closest I know are anime fans, but these guys all have gfs and stuff and are normal.

Teach me your ways


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Gaming club at college, sister is a Tumblr, middle school friend turned out to be a furry.

Also, I live in a part of LA that's huge on the ~new age~ stuff.


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It used to be I just ran into them online, but one of them (the one who took me to the cuddle party) I'd known since high school. At that point, I was part of a "the only thing we have in common is we're not that popular" group, which attracted some fuckin' whackjobs.

I would say my friend group is a little less insane now that I no longer talk to my high school friends, but that's really not the case. I don't know how I meet these people, but it seems like if you put me in a room full of strangers, I will inevitably find the weirdest one there. Then he'll introduce me to his weird friends, and it sort of just grapevines from there.

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i used to volunteer a bunch, go to shows, and i live in a witchy queer bubble

Tiny Prancer

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Internet, and I go to art college. In both cases I'm pretty chill about people being into weird shit and it takes a specific line being crossed for me to go "okay yeah that's fucking weird"


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You all keep talking about how you're friends with tumblr chicks, furries and other assorted internet people.  Where do you meet them?  I don't know any.  The closest I know are anime fans, but these guys all have gfs and stuff and are normal.Smoking Crow, March 17, 2015, 02:23:55 pm

This pretty much applies to me too. I just wanted to make sure you realized you weren't the only one.


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Exist in the same room with one for long enough and eventually they'll see a new face who hasn't heard about their anime chemtrails yet.


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Exist in the same room with one for long enough and eventually they'll see a new face who hasn't heard about their anime chemtrails yet.
Bobalay, March 17, 2015, 05:34:57 pm

Then why don't you politely tell them that you want them to leave you alone?

A Meat

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I'm pretty happy that I don't know that many weirdos in real life, and the few that I know are just through my friends. There are weirdos I went to high school with, but I'm not in touch with any of them. Anymore at least.

Tiny Prancer

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Exist in the same room with one for long enough and eventually they'll see a new face who hasn't heard about their anime chemtrails yet.
Bobalay, March 17, 2015, 05:34:57 pm

Then why don't you politely tell them that you want them to leave you alone?
Smoking Crow, March 17, 2015, 05:36:08 pm

you're making the mistake of assuming they'd care


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Exist in the same room with one for long enough and eventually they'll see a new face who hasn't heard about their anime chemtrails yet.
Bobalay, March 17, 2015, 05:34:57 pm

Then why don't you politely tell them that you want them to leave you alone?
Smoking Crow, March 17, 2015, 05:36:08 pm

you're making the mistake of assuming they'd care
Tiny Prancer, March 17, 2015, 09:47:04 pm

Then I guess this hypothetical confrontation is going to the parking lot.


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My ex-gf was a furry in the sense that she draws a lot on commission and all of her online friends some of her real life friends are furries. But her and the real life friends that I've met are all reasonably normal people outside of that, but they're also all female so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I also had one friend who is a furry that I met through a gaming community, but we've had a disastrous falling out and she's since jumped onto the radical trans 'movement' on tumblr. Since both those influences are no longer in my life I pretty much get all of my weirdness vicariously from The F Plus.


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My ex-gf was a furry in the sense that she draws a lot on commission and all of her online friends some of her real life friends are furries. But her and the real life friends that I've met are all reasonably normal people outside of that, but they're also all female so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I also had one friend who is a furry that I met through a gaming community, but we've had a disastrous falling out and she's since jumped onto the radical trans 'movement' on tumblr. Since both those influences are no longer in my life I pretty much get all of my weirdness vicariously from The F Plus.
Ike, March 18, 2015, 12:32:51 pm

I intellectually understand every word in this paragraph but i still can't comprehend it

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So originally I was making this long-ass post about how I run into these kinds of people in real life, but it just boiled down do "you work in a nerd industry, nerds who romanticize that industry to an insane degree will just come up to you and infodump all over you, especially if they have their own art/webcomic/Youtube channel and they think this is some kind of networking opportunity." No I can't give you a job, kid. I can't plug your work if I don't even know you. I sure as hell can't get you an in for "Playing Video Games" as your professional career because that's not a thing!

And for the record, no, telling them to go away is not usually a good idea. I posted before about how these folks can lose their shit if you shut them down online, but at least then you have a record of your interactions with them. Without going into any detailed stories, let me just say that trust me, telling them "no" in real life can be a million times worse because then there's no evidence to the contrary when they run back to their blogs to flat-out make shit up. So if a geek wants to creep on you, stink up the place, or behave hellaciously inappropriately, you either choose to let them, or you choose to live with the consequences when they inevitably construct a tall tale about how no, the real reason they weren't worshiped as the god they are was that everyone else had all these ulterior motives and were unfair and hurf and blurf. It's a pattern, and one that won't go away any time soon. So while it's not nearly as frequent as getting gross messages online, the potential fallout can be even worse.

However, for those of you that don't run into these people much offline, something I did want to bring up is that there is indeed a hilarious side to their lying. As I said, they love to plug their own sites. Naturally I look up these sites after I'm done dealing with their painfully cringeworthy asses, and the best thing I've ever learned from that is that the bad internet strangepants people lie about their lives all the fucking time. Yes it's pretty obvious to figure that out even when you don't meet them. That one kid from the TV Tropes episode did not fuck up the Sicilian mafia. However, seeing the contrast yourself is just a special experience.  Any time you read about some Internet Tough Guy Who Tells it Like it Is, or a Beautiful Strong Pink Princess, or Self-Proclaimed E-Celebrity, or a Tender Meek Little Angel Who Just Wants to do Right But Everyone Else is Too Mean, just know that the odds are that person's the exact opposite in real life, and not in a fun way. Mumbling, awkward laughter, creepy staring, overbearing and rude outbursts, annoying nonstop complaining, disastrous attempts at pulling their schticks in face-to-face social situations, etc. The more irritating and insistent they are about their personas online, usually the more socially inept, self-sabotaging, and inappropriate they are offline.

Try picturing it next time you listen to an episode! It's great!

... uh, picture the subject matter. Not the readers. We really are like this in real life, sad as that may be.


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Game store, community college RPG group, the internet, a park.